Wildlife Corner

All Discussion Relating To Wildlife.

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  1. Victoria

    Deer, oh deer, oh deery me!

    never thought of that is that why he ran a mile, get a bit of piece and get his rashes back to normal :D :D
    never thought of that is that why he ran a mile, get a bit of piece and get his rashes back to normal :D :D
    never thought of that is that why he ran a mile, get a bit of piece and get his rashes back to normal :D :D
    never thought of that is that why he ran a mile, get a bit of piece and get his rashes back to normal :D :D
  2. rosa

    up close & personel

    If you here from him,please say sorry if I don't see hime first I don't think he likes being called a wrinkly,though I use it as form of indearment,not as anything nasty.I have a message in...
    If you here from him,please say sorry if I don't see hime first I don't think he likes being called a wrinkly,though I use it as form of indearment,not as anything nasty.I have a message in Anniversary wishes
    If you here from him,please say sorry if I don't see hime first I don't think he likes being called a wrinkly,though I use it as form of indearment,not as anything nasty.I have a message in Anniversary wishes
    If you here from him,please say sorry if I don't see hime first I don't think he likes being called a wrinkly,though I use it as form of indearment,not as anything nasty.I have a message in...
  3. rosa


    They are nice to see Rosa, but the maggotts do a lot of damage to the vegetables
    They are nice to see Rosa, but the maggotts do a lot of damage to the vegetables
    They are nice to see Rosa, but the maggotts do a lot of damage to the vegetables
    They are nice to see Rosa, but the maggotts do a lot of damage to the vegetables
  4. jazz

    my wildlife pics

    Jazz.When you get better I will have to show you the photos of the Red squirrels we took in the Lake District
    Jazz.When you get better I will have to show you the photos of the Red squirrels we took in the Lake District
    Jazz.When you get better I will have to show you the photos of the Red squirrels we took in the Lake District
    Jazz.When you get better I will have to show you the photos of the Red squirrels we took in the Lake District
  5. wildflower


    WILD FLOWER, ARE YOU REALLY COMMING TO OUR NECK OF THE WOODS? PLEASE LET ME KNOW ON A PM.Miraflores,an eguana is about 3ft-6ft long and dangerous. they can lash you with their tail.we used to...
    WILD FLOWER, ARE YOU REALLY COMMING TO OUR NECK OF THE WOODS? PLEASE LET ME KNOW ON A PM.Miraflores,an eguana is about 3ft-6ft long and dangerous. they can lash you with their tail.we used to leave them well alone.
    WILD FLOWER, ARE YOU REALLY COMMING TO OUR NECK OF THE WOODS? PLEASE LET ME KNOW ON A PM.Miraflores,an eguana is about 3ft-6ft long and dangerous. they can lash you with their tail.we used to leave them well alone.
    WILD FLOWER, ARE YOU REALLY COMMING TO OUR NECK OF THE WOODS? PLEASE LET ME KNOW ON A PM.Miraflores,an eguana is about 3ft-6ft long and dangerous. they can lash you with their tail.we used to...
  6. wildflower


    I have three cats and there's lots about here ... spiders, geckos, crickets, cicadas!Hoopoes are gorgeous!
    I have three cats and there's lots about here ... spiders, geckos, crickets, cicadas!Hoopoes are gorgeous!
    I have three cats and there's lots about here ... spiders, geckos, crickets, cicadas!Hoopoes are gorgeous!
    I have three cats and there's lots about here ... spiders, geckos, crickets, cicadas!Hoopoes are gorgeous!
  7. rosa


    lovely pics r
    lovely pics r
    lovely pics r
    lovely pics r
  8. roders

    Dragon or Damsel

    We have a large pond so we are lucky to get no end of dragonflies every year. Big ones like the one roders photographed, then the small red ones, brilliant blue ones, and I even saw a golden one...
    We have a large pond so we are lucky to get no end of dragonflies every year. Big ones like the one roders photographed, then the small red ones, brilliant blue ones, and I even saw a golden one last week. Not to forget the medium- sized brown ones with a sort of stumpy body.
    We have a large pond so we are lucky to get no end of dragonflies every year. Big ones like the one roders photographed, then the small red ones, brilliant blue ones, and I even saw a golden one last week. Not to forget the medium- sized brown...
    We have a large pond so we are lucky to get no end of dragonflies every year. Big ones like the one roders photographed, then the small red ones, brilliant blue ones, and I even saw a golden one...
  9. Paladin

    Watch where you're ....

    Jay, may I ask what you mean when you say they have "incredibly cute bellies"? On a slightly more serious note... in what way do frogs bring benefit to our gardens, not only the cute bellies and...
    Jay, may I ask what you mean when you say they have "incredibly cute bellies"? On a slightly more serious note... in what way do frogs bring benefit to our gardens, not only the cute bellies and the ability to hide their eyes when they go to a scary movie at the cinema but the insects they...
    Jay, may I ask what you mean when you say they have "incredibly cute bellies"? On a slightly more serious note... in what way do frogs bring benefit to our gardens, not only the cute bellies and the ability to hide their eyes when they go to a...
    Jay, may I ask what you mean when you say they have "incredibly cute bellies"? On a slightly more serious note... in what way do frogs bring benefit to our gardens, not only the cute bellies and...
  10. Fran

    Dead Birds

    Just now back on here to check this post but it is too late as I buried them deep right away and of course I did not touch them. TG have found no more since.
    Just now back on here to check this post but it is too late as I buried them deep right away and of course I did not touch them. TG have found no more since.
    Just now back on here to check this post but it is too late as I buried them deep right away and of course I did not touch them. TG have found no more since.
    Just now back on here to check this post but it is too late as I buried them deep right away and of course I did not touch them. TG have found no more since.
  11. pete

    Can you tell me what this is for

    I do belong to the Dorset Wildlife Trust but am no expert. It just happens that we were walking in Lydford Gorge in Devon a couple of weeks ago and the boxes were there. However, the NT had kindly...
    I do belong to the Dorset Wildlife Trust but am no expert. It just happens that we were walking in Lydford Gorge in Devon a couple of weeks ago and the boxes were there. However, the NT had kindly placed a notice beside the first one we spotted and told us what they were doing with it.You may...
    I do belong to the Dorset Wildlife Trust but am no expert. It just happens that we were walking in Lydford Gorge in Devon a couple of weeks ago and the boxes were there. However, the NT had kindly placed a notice beside the first one we spotted...
    I do belong to the Dorset Wildlife Trust but am no expert. It just happens that we were walking in Lydford Gorge in Devon a couple of weeks ago and the boxes were there. However, the NT had kindly...
  12. Celia
  13. Honey Bee

    Blooming Pigeons....

    mr gw has his eye on these guys :eek:
    mr gw has his eye on these guys :eek:
    mr gw has his eye on these guys :eek:
    mr gw has his eye on these guys :eek:
  14. Marley Farley

    Just wrapping lunch...!!

    :eek: :D Me neither Fran.... :D
    :eek: :D Me neither Fran.... :D
    :eek: :D Me neither Fran.... :D
    :eek: :D Me neither Fran.... :D
  15. lazy-gardener

    wildlife in a suburban garden

    I have them visiting my garden - and yes they are noisy on the move - they root around in leaf litter etc for the food they want - but freeze when startled. Used to drive my dogs mad, cos they'd...
    I have them visiting my garden - and yes they are noisy on the move - they root around in leaf litter etc for the food they want - but freeze when startled. Used to drive my dogs mad, cos they'd bark and rush, the hedgehog would curl up, and the dogs would back off yelping. They learnt to leave...
    I have them visiting my garden - and yes they are noisy on the move - they root around in leaf litter etc for the food they want - but freeze when startled. Used to drive my dogs mad, cos they'd bark and rush, the hedgehog would curl up, and the...
    I have them visiting my garden - and yes they are noisy on the move - they root around in leaf litter etc for the food they want - but freeze when startled. Used to drive my dogs mad, cos they'd...
  16. Marley Farley

    Just having lunch..!!

    Hi Marley-Farley - I like that term for the catapillers, munching machines, how true it is. I have dockered it away for future use.
    Hi Marley-Farley - I like that term for the catapillers, munching machines, how true it is. I have dockered it away for future use.
    Hi Marley-Farley - I like that term for the catapillers, munching machines, how true it is. I have dockered it away for future use.
    Hi Marley-Farley - I like that term for the catapillers, munching machines, how true it is. I have dockered it away for future use.

    it's a bugs life

    Love the pictures especially the close ups of the bees
    Love the pictures especially the close ups of the bees
    Love the pictures especially the close ups of the bees
    Love the pictures especially the close ups of the bees
  18. rosa

    owl hooting at the coast

    for a laugh my neighbours bought 3 hooting owls for our balconies they go off by movement on a sensor and for the past week i have been hearing an owl sounds like its on top of our flats. its not...
    for a laugh my neighbours bought 3 hooting owls for our balconies they go off by movement on a sensor and for the past week i have been hearing an owl sounds like its on top of our flats. its not the sensor owls wonder iff we have attracted the real thing, as i am sitting here now i can hear it...
    for a laugh my neighbours bought 3 hooting owls for our balconies they go off by movement on a sensor and for the past week i have been hearing an owl sounds like its on top of our flats. its not the sensor owls wonder iff we have attracted the...
    for a laugh my neighbours bought 3 hooting owls for our balconies they go off by movement on a sensor and for the past week i have been hearing an owl sounds like its on top of our flats. its not...

    bugs life 3

    They are really sharp pic GW, and as BM says the colours are amazing.
    They are really sharp pic GW, and as BM says the colours are amazing.
    They are really sharp pic GW, and as BM says the colours are amazing.
    They are really sharp pic GW, and as BM says the colours are amazing.

    bugs life 2

    Some excellent pics again GW keep 'em coming
    Some excellent pics again GW keep 'em coming
    Some excellent pics again GW keep 'em coming
    Some excellent pics again GW keep 'em coming

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