Wildlife Corner

All Discussion Relating To Wildlife.

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  1. Janet mahay
    Friendly x 3

    Hedgehog with a tail

    It looks like it's about to self annoint perhaps, something hogs do quite a lot.The purpose of a hedgehog tail is subject to a certain amount of debate. It's more of a residual tail rather than...
    It looks like it's about to self annoint perhaps, something hogs do quite a lot.The purpose of a hedgehog tail is subject to a certain amount of debate. It's more of a residual tail rather than a practical tail and doesn't seem to be of much benefit to the hedgehog. I've never thought of them...
    It looks like it's about to self annoint perhaps, something hogs do quite a lot.The purpose of a hedgehog tail is subject to a certain amount of debate. It's more of a residual tail rather than a practical tail and doesn't seem to be of much...
    It looks like it's about to self annoint perhaps, something hogs do quite a lot.The purpose of a hedgehog tail is subject to a certain amount of debate. It's more of a residual tail rather than...
  2. Sian in Belgium

    Feeding peanuts in sub-zero temperatures

    Who told you my middle name? :scratch:
    Who told you my middle name? :scratch:
    Who told you my middle name? :scratch:
    Who told you my middle name? :scratch:
  3. strongylodon
    Like x 6


    New thread below.....What's buzzing or flying near you 2021? | Gardeners Corner - The Friendly Gardening Forum
    New thread below.....What's buzzing or flying near you 2021? | Gardeners Corner - The Friendly Gardening Forum
    New thread below.....What's buzzing or flying near you 2021? | Gardeners Corner - The Friendly Gardening Forum
    New thread below.....What's buzzing or flying near you 2021? | Gardeners Corner - The Friendly Gardening Forum
  4. mazambo
    Like x 4

    Sparrows waiting for breakfast

    I remember the rien de rien one more.Not the most colourful or varied in song but I'm glad they're thriving and probably the same as yourself I get the pleasure of hearing it in the morning and...
    I remember the rien de rien one more.Not the most colourful or varied in song but I'm glad they're thriving and probably the same as yourself I get the pleasure of hearing it in the morning and at night when they're settling down.
    I remember the rien de rien one more.Not the most colourful or varied in song but I'm glad they're thriving and probably the same as yourself I get the pleasure of hearing it in the morning and at night when they're settling down.
    I remember the rien de rien one more.Not the most colourful or varied in song but I'm glad they're thriving and probably the same as yourself I get the pleasure of hearing it in the morning and...
  5. TheMadHedger

    Can birds safely eat a sheep food mix?

    I would keep an eye on the rats.
    I would keep an eye on the rats.
    I would keep an eye on the rats.
    I would keep an eye on the rats.
  6. Appleblossom31

    ID needed please

    I don't have either here (that I know of) so I wonder what they ate in the orange orchards? :scratch:
    I don't have either here (that I know of) so I wonder what they ate in the orange orchards? :scratch:
    I don't have either here (that I know of) so I wonder what they ate in the orange orchards? :scratch:
    I don't have either here (that I know of) so I wonder what they ate in the orange orchards? :scratch:
  7. Mike Allen

    White tailed eagle.

    Having a great interest in natural history. I am so pleased that after such a long time, many of our wildlife are becoming established again. Birds of prey, otters, beavers and also many of the...
    Having a great interest in natural history. I am so pleased that after such a long time, many of our wildlife are becoming established again. Birds of prey, otters, beavers and also many of the smaller mammals. I believe that in some parts, wild boar have been captive bred and are now being...
    Having a great interest in natural history. I am so pleased that after such a long time, many of our wildlife are becoming established again. Birds of prey, otters, beavers and also many of the smaller mammals. I believe that in some parts,...
    Having a great interest in natural history. I am so pleased that after such a long time, many of our wildlife are becoming established again. Birds of prey, otters, beavers and also many of the...
  8. Gizmo


    thanks for your reply we like to give the birds that come into our garden a choice of food including meal worms the starlings are only going for the meal worms and can empty the feeder in 1 day...
    thanks for your reply we like to give the birds that come into our garden a choice of food including meal worms the starlings are only going for the meal worms and can empty the feeder in 1 day which is unfair to other birds that like a feast
    thanks for your reply we like to give the birds that come into our garden a choice of food including meal worms the starlings are only going for the meal worms and can empty the feeder in 1 day which is unfair to other birds that like a feast
    thanks for your reply we like to give the birds that come into our garden a choice of food including meal worms the starlings are only going for the meal worms and can empty the feeder in 1 day...
  9. Lizzie Rose
    Like x 6

    My Common Lizard Friend

    This maybe of interest, these were taken last thursday, a common lizard adult and young, although this is a greenish common lizard which can be confused wtith the rarer, very green, Sand lizard.
    This maybe of interest, these were taken last thursday, a common lizard adult and young, although this is a greenish common lizard which can be confused wtith the rarer, very green, Sand lizard.
    This maybe of interest, these were taken last thursday, a common lizard adult and young, although this is a greenish common lizard which can be confused wtith the rarer, very green, Sand lizard.
    This maybe of interest, these were taken last thursday, a common lizard adult and young, although this is a greenish common lizard which can be confused wtith the rarer, very green, Sand lizard.
    20200403_144724.jpg 20200403_141342.jpg liz 1.JPG Iliz 2.JPG
  10. hans

    Long, black with a tail

    Yes, someone may be missing it and it may have found its way home.
    Yes, someone may be missing it and it may have found its way home.
    Yes, someone may be missing it and it may have found its way home.
    Yes, someone may be missing it and it may have found its way home.
  11. mazambo

    Calci worms

    Never heard of them. But I'm sure you can get tablets for them.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
    Never heard of them. But I'm sure you can get tablets for them.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
    Never heard of them. But I'm sure you can get tablets for them.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
    Never heard of them. But I'm sure you can get tablets for them.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
  12. Engelbert

    Affordable (squirrel and big bird proof) bird feeders... Any recommendations?

    Another I can recommend is the clingers only feeder, it's great for the likes of goldfinches, sparrows and the tit family but is only squirrel proof if hung where squirrels can't reach it.
    Another I can recommend is the clingers only feeder, it's great for the likes of goldfinches, sparrows and the tit family but is only squirrel proof if hung where squirrels can't reach it.
    Another I can recommend is the clingers only feeder, it's great for the likes of goldfinches, sparrows and the tit family but is only squirrel proof if hung where squirrels can't reach it.
    Another I can recommend is the clingers only feeder, it's great for the likes of goldfinches, sparrows and the tit family but is only squirrel proof if hung where squirrels can't reach it.
    s-my-favourites-pic01@3x.jpg z-G2508-1.jpg
  13. Victoria


    Ah, bless ...Lesbian penguin 'super moms' welcome chick at Spanish aquarium
    Ah, bless ...Lesbian penguin 'super moms' welcome chick at Spanish aquarium
    Ah, bless ...Lesbian penguin 'super moms' welcome chick at Spanish aquarium
    Ah, bless ...Lesbian penguin 'super moms' welcome chick at Spanish aquarium
  14. Victoria


    I have only seen a few Dolphins off the coast at Swanage in the last few years, a pod of Orcas would be nice.
    I have only seen a few Dolphins off the coast at Swanage in the last few years, a pod of Orcas would be nice.
    I have only seen a few Dolphins off the coast at Swanage in the last few years, a pod of Orcas would be nice.
    I have only seen a few Dolphins off the coast at Swanage in the last few years, a pod of Orcas would be nice.
  15. jimcubs

    ID needed on what this is

    I’m going with the Volucella zonaria | NatureSpot it fits with all the markings, I’m in Cheshire where the have been some sightings but not many
    I’m going with the Volucella zonaria | NatureSpot it fits with all the markings, I’m in Cheshire where the have been some sightings but not many
    I’m going with the Volucella zonaria | NatureSpot it fits with all the markings, I’m in Cheshire where the have been some sightings but not many
    I’m going with the Volucella zonaria | NatureSpot it fits with all the markings, I’m in Cheshire where the have been some sightings but not many
  16. mazambo

    rose sawfly caterpillar

    Yes, and then there was none, I think the sparrows have made a meal of them.
    Yes, and then there was none, I think the sparrows have made a meal of them.
    Yes, and then there was none, I think the sparrows have made a meal of them.
    Yes, and then there was none, I think the sparrows have made a meal of them.
  17. Emaggie
    Like x 5


    We have bats in our loft and so have our neighbours....had them for years now.
    We have bats in our loft and so have our neighbours....had them for years now.
    We have bats in our loft and so have our neighbours....had them for years now.
    We have bats in our loft and so have our neighbours....had them for years now.
  18. Selleri

    ID of a mouse please

    Have your camera ready !!!:):dbgrtmb:
    Have your camera ready !!!:):dbgrtmb:
    Have your camera ready !!!:):dbgrtmb:
    Have your camera ready !!!:):dbgrtmb:
  19. FrenchBean

    Enormous snake in our little pond!!

    Beautiful markings :)
    Beautiful markings :)
    Beautiful markings :)
    Beautiful markings :)
  20. SimonZ

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