Wildlife Corner

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  1. strongylodon

    Not one but three woodies

    Thanks, I took a pic of a black redstart on our front path last year in november, it was late afternoon, dark bird, tarmac path! crap pic, at least the woodies show up even through the window.
    Thanks, I took a pic of a black redstart on our front path last year in november, it was late afternoon, dark bird, tarmac path! crap pic, at least the woodies show up even through the window.
    Thanks, I took a pic of a black redstart on our front path last year in november, it was late afternoon, dark bird, tarmac path! crap pic, at least the woodies show up even through the window.
    Thanks, I took a pic of a black redstart on our front path last year in november, it was late afternoon, dark bird, tarmac path! crap pic, at least the woodies show up even through the window.
  2. shiney


    i have one that visit & he's rather partial to the odd bulb :rolleyes:
    i have one that visit & he's rather partial to the odd bulb :rolleyes:
    i have one that visit & he's rather partial to the odd bulb :rolleyes:
    i have one that visit & he's rather partial to the odd bulb :rolleyes:
  3. Victoria


    Aahh, lovers of fine music! Time to go to bed to the soft tunes of legs rubbing together .... ????
    Aahh, lovers of fine music! Time to go to bed to the soft tunes of legs rubbing together .... ????
    Aahh, lovers of fine music! Time to go to bed to the soft tunes of legs rubbing together .... ????
    Aahh, lovers of fine music! Time to go to bed to the soft tunes of legs rubbing together .... ????
  4. wildflower

    whats this ?

    Thanks hornbeam will have to keep searching for what is biting me..if its not this..
    Thanks hornbeam will have to keep searching for what is biting me..if its not this..
    Thanks hornbeam will have to keep searching for what is biting me..if its not this..
    Thanks hornbeam will have to keep searching for what is biting me..if its not this..
  5. Hornbeam


    thank you Roders!!
    thank you Roders!!
    thank you Roders!!
    thank you Roders!!
  6. Liz

    Oh dear!

    Today I was putting some of my geraniums into a window box, using my potting tray. I emptied several out , thinking they were somewhat dry, and put the pots to one side. As I did so I noticed a...
    Today I was putting some of my geraniums into a window box, using my potting tray. I emptied several out , thinking they were somewhat dry, and put the pots to one side. As I did so I noticed a pile of what looked like mini-cigars about 3/4" long, made of neatly wrapped leaves, complete with a...
    Today I was putting some of my geraniums into a window box, using my potting tray. I emptied several out , thinking they were somewhat dry, and put the pots to one side. As I did so I noticed a pile of what looked like mini-cigars about 3/4"...
    Today I was putting some of my geraniums into a window box, using my potting tray. I emptied several out , thinking they were somewhat dry, and put the pots to one side. As I did so I noticed a...
  7. Hornbeam

    Bee plants

    Great pictures HornbeamWe have lots of bee plants but Mrs shiney's favourite are the phlomis russeliana samia. When the bees crawl inside the flowers she loves to stroke their bums - and they...
    Great pictures HornbeamWe have lots of bee plants but Mrs shiney's favourite are the phlomis russeliana samia. When the bees crawl inside the flowers she loves to stroke their bums - and they don't seem to mind. I don't get that treatment!!! --------------- shiney
    Great pictures HornbeamWe have lots of bee plants but Mrs shiney's favourite are the phlomis russeliana samia. When the bees crawl inside the flowers she loves to stroke their bums - and they don't seem to mind. I don't get that...
    Great pictures HornbeamWe have lots of bee plants but Mrs shiney's favourite are the phlomis russeliana samia. When the bees crawl inside the flowers she loves to stroke their bums - and they...
  8. pete

    No blue tits this year

    They usually prefer north facing boxes so their nest doesn't get too hot.Lovely, lively birds aren't they? -------------- shiney
    They usually prefer north facing boxes so their nest doesn't get too hot.Lovely, lively birds aren't they? -------------- shiney
    They usually prefer north facing boxes so their nest doesn't get too hot.Lovely, lively birds aren't they? -------------- shiney
    They usually prefer north facing boxes so their nest doesn't get too hot.Lovely, lively birds aren't they? -------------- shiney
  9. wildflower

    In the pond..

    yes i will tolerate them i dont mind the frogs anymore i have got a grip on myself.. ;) I didnt like that newt i found i havnt seen him since he has probably run off as i bang on the greenhouse...
    yes i will tolerate them i dont mind the frogs anymore i have got a grip on myself.. ;) I didnt like that newt i found i havnt seen him since he has probably run off as i bang on the greenhouse every time i go past.. :D
    yes i will tolerate them i dont mind the frogs anymore i have got a grip on myself.. ;) I didnt like that newt i found i havnt seen him since he has probably run off as i bang on the greenhouse every time i go past.. :D
    yes i will tolerate them i dont mind the frogs anymore i have got a grip on myself.. ;) I didnt like that newt i found i havnt seen him since he has probably run off as i bang on the greenhouse...
  10. strongylodon

    Young Caesalpinias

    I lost my crista-galli last winter, both of them. As for the caesalpinia, so the secret is to keep them growing through the winter. ;) Didn't notice they were in the wildlife section.
    I lost my crista-galli last winter, both of them. As for the caesalpinia, so the secret is to keep them growing through the winter. ;) Didn't notice they were in the wildlife section.
    I lost my crista-galli last winter, both of them. As for the caesalpinia, so the secret is to keep them growing through the winter. ;) Didn't notice they were in the wildlife section.
    I lost my crista-galli last winter, both of them. As for the caesalpinia, so the secret is to keep them growing through the winter. ;) Didn't notice they were in the wildlife section.
  11. roders

    Where have all the Sparrows gone....

    I had a fairly large clump of spanish moss that I had been cultivating, well they took that for their nests :D :D
    I had a fairly large clump of spanish moss that I had been cultivating, well they took that for their nests :D :D
    I had a fairly large clump of spanish moss that I had been cultivating, well they took that for their nests :D :D
    I had a fairly large clump of spanish moss that I had been cultivating, well they took that for their nests :D :D
  12. wildflower

    whats this??

    Like the gecko, looks like the commoner Moorish and not the Turkish which is slimmer. If only we had more reptiles and amphibians in the uk(they would remove a lot more plant nibbling insects)....
    Like the gecko, looks like the commoner Moorish and not the Turkish which is slimmer. If only we had more reptiles and amphibians in the uk(they would remove a lot more plant nibbling insects). Guess i'm in a minority here judging by the above posts.
    Like the gecko, looks like the commoner Moorish and not the Turkish which is slimmer. If only we had more reptiles and amphibians in the uk(they would remove a lot more plant nibbling insects). Guess i'm in a minority here judging by the above posts.
    Like the gecko, looks like the commoner Moorish and not the Turkish which is slimmer. If only we had more reptiles and amphibians in the uk(they would remove a lot more plant nibbling insects)....
  13. Lady Gardener

    Butterfly Hotel etc

    I m going to buy two Bfly/Hotels......... like bird boxes with feeding stations, has any1 tried a feeding station, i would expect the sugar solution to ferment, or go "sticky"
    I m going to buy two Bfly/Hotels......... like bird boxes with feeding stations, has any1 tried a feeding station, i would expect the sugar solution to ferment, or go "sticky"
    I m going to buy two Bfly/Hotels......... like bird boxes with feeding stations, has any1 tried a feeding station, i would expect the sugar solution to ferment, or go "sticky"
    I m going to buy two Bfly/Hotels......... like bird boxes with feeding stations, has any1 tried a feeding station, i would expect the sugar solution to ferment, or go "sticky"
  14. wildflower


    That figures - they are the caterpillars of the Large White butterfly - also known as the Cabbage White (Pieris brassicae)
    That figures - they are the caterpillars of the Large White butterfly - also known as the Cabbage White (Pieris brassicae)
    That figures - they are the caterpillars of the Large White butterfly - also known as the Cabbage White (Pieris brassicae)
    That figures - they are the caterpillars of the Large White butterfly - also known as the Cabbage White (Pieris brassicae)
  15. jay


    my son-in-law has a massive pond in his back garden and they ended up with frogs, frogs, frogs. apparently there were dozens of them jumping all over the grass and their decking, I think they...
    my son-in-law has a massive pond in his back garden and they ended up with frogs, frogs, frogs. apparently there were dozens of them jumping all over the grass and their decking, I think they where quite shocked at the numbers they saw, then as quick as they appeared they where gone
    my son-in-law has a massive pond in his back garden and they ended up with frogs, frogs, frogs. apparently there were dozens of them jumping all over the grass and their decking, I think they where quite shocked at the numbers they saw, then as...
    my son-in-law has a massive pond in his back garden and they ended up with frogs, frogs, frogs. apparently there were dozens of them jumping all over the grass and their decking, I think they...
  16. Marley Farley

    Busy Bees....!!!!

    The worst thing with wasps iff you have perfume on and hairspray boy do they go for you, hope we dont get them african killer bees that would be something else for us to worry about, like america...
    The worst thing with wasps iff you have perfume on and hairspray boy do they go for you, hope we dont get them african killer bees that would be something else for us to worry about, like america are doing.
    The worst thing with wasps iff you have perfume on and hairspray boy do they go for you, hope we dont get them african killer bees that would be something else for us to worry about, like america are doing.
    The worst thing with wasps iff you have perfume on and hairspray boy do they go for you, hope we dont get them african killer bees that would be something else for us to worry about, like america...
  17. Liz

    ...And what we found in the road...

    nice one liz its lovely to see children involved in preserving our wildlife, i bet your harry feels so proud of himself. well done from rosa
    nice one liz its lovely to see children involved in preserving our wildlife, i bet your harry feels so proud of himself. well done from rosa
    nice one liz its lovely to see children involved in preserving our wildlife, i bet your harry feels so proud of himself. well done from rosa
    nice one liz its lovely to see children involved in preserving our wildlife, i bet your harry feels so proud of himself. well done from rosa
  18. Honey Bee

    Look what I found last night in the garden......

    No no Liz, the squished dessert followed little 'un onto the pavement, not that he'd appreciate me saving his waistline if it didn't ;) lol! :D I saved him from potential squishedness last...
    No no Liz, the squished dessert followed little 'un onto the pavement, not that he'd appreciate me saving his waistline if it didn't ;) lol! :D I saved him from potential squishedness last year too - he was moving too closely roadwards from the park edge, so I picked him up.. instead of...
    No no Liz, the squished dessert followed little 'un onto the pavement, not that he'd appreciate me saving his waistline if it didn't ;) lol! :D I saved him from potential squishedness last year too - he was moving too closely roadwards from...
    No no Liz, the squished dessert followed little 'un onto the pavement, not that he'd appreciate me saving his waistline if it didn't ;) lol! :D I saved him from potential squishedness last...
  19. The Pea Of Sweetness

    Birds.........how lovely!

    My two visitin gold finches seem to enjoy sunlower hearts - but I too am trying to grow teasels.
    My two visitin gold finches seem to enjoy sunlower hearts - but I too am trying to grow teasels.
    My two visitin gold finches seem to enjoy sunlower hearts - but I too am trying to grow teasels.
    My two visitin gold finches seem to enjoy sunlower hearts - but I too am trying to grow teasels.
  20. wildflower

    having a swim!

    Surprised a toad whilst mowing the lawn in the wild area - lovely eater of slugs and snails, may he prosper.
    Surprised a toad whilst mowing the lawn in the wild area - lovely eater of slugs and snails, may he prosper.
    Surprised a toad whilst mowing the lawn in the wild area - lovely eater of slugs and snails, may he prosper.
    Surprised a toad whilst mowing the lawn in the wild area - lovely eater of slugs and snails, may he prosper.

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