Wildlife Corner

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  1. SimonZ

    Please identify these bugs

    Thans for your suggestion - Google Images seems to agree:)
    Thans for your suggestion - Google Images seems to agree:)
    Thans for your suggestion - Google Images seems to agree:)
    Thans for your suggestion - Google Images seems to agree:)
  2. SimonZ

    Yelow bird

  3. SimonZ

    Please identify these fish

    Don't know if I'm honest. In all my years of fishing I have never actually seen a Ruffe. My money is still on Chub & Perch but my Paddy Power account has never been in credit :wallbanging:
    Don't know if I'm honest. In all my years of fishing I have never actually seen a Ruffe. My money is still on Chub & Perch but my Paddy Power account has never been in credit :wallbanging:
    Don't know if I'm honest. In all my years of fishing I have never actually seen a Ruffe. My money is still on Chub & Perch but my Paddy Power account has never been in credit :wallbanging:
    Don't know if I'm honest. In all my years of fishing I have never actually seen a Ruffe. My money is still on Chub & Perch but my Paddy Power account has never been in credit :wallbanging:
  4. Joolz

    A Wildlife Water Haven..... I hope!

    Thanks @strongylodon . I've already removed a little blanket weed that had hitched a ride on the water hawthorn. I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it. :blue thumb:
    Thanks @strongylodon . I've already removed a little blanket weed that had hitched a ride on the water hawthorn. I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it. :blue thumb:
    Thanks @strongylodon . I've already removed a little blanket weed that had hitched a ride on the water hawthorn. I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it. :blue thumb:
    Thanks @strongylodon . I've already removed a little blanket weed that had hitched a ride on the water hawthorn. I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it. :blue thumb:
  5. KeefyD

    Baby snails!

    'Baby caravaners' I have to agree, yes, they are interesting to watch. However they really can play havoc in the greenhouse.With respects to many gardeners etc. So often folks ask, what is...
    'Baby caravaners' I have to agree, yes, they are interesting to watch. However they really can play havoc in the greenhouse.With respects to many gardeners etc. So often folks ask, what is causing this damage to my plants. Pictures of plants with the leaves kind of pot-holed. Usually on...
    'Baby caravaners' I have to agree, yes, they are interesting to watch. However they really can play havoc in the greenhouse.With respects to many gardeners etc. So often folks ask, what is causing this damage to my plants. Pictures of...
    'Baby caravaners' I have to agree, yes, they are interesting to watch. However they really can play havoc in the greenhouse.With respects to many gardeners etc. So often folks ask, what is...
  6. Loki

    Any idea what this is or what produced it?

    You're welcome, Loki :) Trust me, there are plenty of nasties that I sincerely wish I didn't know about :biggrin:
    You're welcome, Loki :) Trust me, there are plenty of nasties that I sincerely wish I didn't know about :biggrin:
    You're welcome, Loki :) Trust me, there are plenty of nasties that I sincerely wish I didn't know about :biggrin:
    You're welcome, Loki :) Trust me, there are plenty of nasties that I sincerely wish I didn't know about :biggrin:
  7. Loki

    This beautiful creature found its way into our kitchen

    I remember one day weeding in the garden I was employed in. Wow! Suddenly it was as if I'd put my hand into a collection of snakes. They were huge caterpillars of the Elephant Hawk moth. I...
    I remember one day weeding in the garden I was employed in. Wow! Suddenly it was as if I'd put my hand into a collection of snakes. They were huge caterpillars of the Elephant Hawk moth. I collect a few plus the willow herb and kept them in a large plastic bottle. In a few days they adopted...
    I remember one day weeding in the garden I was employed in. Wow! Suddenly it was as if I'd put my hand into a collection of snakes. They were huge caterpillars of the Elephant Hawk moth. I collect a few plus the willow herb and kept them in a...
    I remember one day weeding in the garden I was employed in. Wow! Suddenly it was as if I'd put my hand into a collection of snakes. They were huge caterpillars of the Elephant Hawk moth. I...
  8. mazambo
    Like x 7


    Good to know I can replant them. Thank you @NigelJ :)
    Good to know I can replant them. Thank you @NigelJ :)
    Good to know I can replant them. Thank you @NigelJ :)
    Good to know I can replant them. Thank you @NigelJ :)
  9. mazambo

    Cuckoo flower

    Well it looks like the cuckoo flower I bought has been successful, just hope it's the orange tip.
    Well it looks like the cuckoo flower I bought has been successful, just hope it's the orange tip.
    Well it looks like the cuckoo flower I bought has been successful, just hope it's the orange tip.
    Well it looks like the cuckoo flower I bought has been successful, just hope it's the orange tip.
  10. mazambo

    Is this a mayfly?

    Kevin, job done, a big thanks:blue thumb:
    Kevin, job done, a big thanks:blue thumb:
    Kevin, job done, a big thanks:blue thumb:
    Kevin, job done, a big thanks:blue thumb:
  11. hans

    Hedgehog Feeder

    The 24 inch length is to stop any, less welcome, reaching in. I also put the 'dish' on a brick.
    The 24 inch length is to stop any, less welcome, reaching in. I also put the 'dish' on a brick.
    The 24 inch length is to stop any, less welcome, reaching in. I also put the 'dish' on a brick.
    The 24 inch length is to stop any, less welcome, reaching in. I also put the 'dish' on a brick.
  12. mazambo

    Squirrels, Not everyone's cup of tea

    I know not everyone likes them and to be honest they are a bit of a nuisance burying the nuts In my pots but seems like I've got a new friend:heehee: (two actually but one keeps chasing the other away)...
    I know not everyone likes them and to be honest they are a bit of a nuisance burying the nuts In my pots but seems like I've got a new friend:heehee: (two actually but one keeps chasing the other away) being able to spend lots of time in the garden now seems like we're happy to be seen together:heehee:
    I know not everyone likes them and to be honest they are a bit of a nuisance burying the nuts In my pots but seems like I've got a new friend:heehee: (two actually but one keeps chasing the other away) being able to spend lots of time in the garden now...
    I know not everyone likes them and to be honest they are a bit of a nuisance burying the nuts In my pots but seems like I've got a new friend:heehee: (two actually but one keeps chasing the other away)...
  13. mazambo
    Like x 4


    Last year we had a tame Robin who would land on your knee while sitting in the garden in shorts enjoying a mug of tea. It went missing we blamed predators. A couple of days later I went in the...
    Last year we had a tame Robin who would land on your knee while sitting in the garden in shorts enjoying a mug of tea. It went missing we blamed predators. A couple of days later I went in the lawnmower shed and it was the on the floor dead. It had followed me in and I had closed the door. We...
    Last year we had a tame Robin who would land on your knee while sitting in the garden in shorts enjoying a mug of tea. It went missing we blamed predators. A couple of days later I went in the lawnmower shed and it was the on the floor dead. It...
    Last year we had a tame Robin who would land on your knee while sitting in the garden in shorts enjoying a mug of tea. It went missing we blamed predators. A couple of days later I went in the...
  14. kriss

    Hover Bees

    Pete, I’m getting those too!!! They just look like bees to me, but without the stripes.they hover on the same spot for hours which is weird. Hopefully once more plants flower, they will be...
    Pete, I’m getting those too!!! They just look like bees to me, but without the stripes.they hover on the same spot for hours which is weird. Hopefully once more plants flower, they will be confined to the borders.Our garden is narrow so it’s not ideal for the kids being out.
    Pete, I’m getting those too!!! They just look like bees to me, but without the stripes.they hover on the same spot for hours which is weird. Hopefully once more plants flower, they will be confined to the borders.Our garden is narrow so it’s...
    Pete, I’m getting those too!!! They just look like bees to me, but without the stripes.they hover on the same spot for hours which is weird. Hopefully once more plants flower, they will be...
  15. Peter Sullivan
    Like x 5

    What species of mouse?

    I have slow worms on my allotment, not seen any this year yet, I dont think mice would be a match for most of the ones I have seen. Cats are the biggest problem to wildlife around here.
    I have slow worms on my allotment, not seen any this year yet, I dont think mice would be a match for most of the ones I have seen. Cats are the biggest problem to wildlife around here.
    I have slow worms on my allotment, not seen any this year yet, I dont think mice would be a match for most of the ones I have seen. Cats are the biggest problem to wildlife around here.
    I have slow worms on my allotment, not seen any this year yet, I dont think mice would be a match for most of the ones I have seen. Cats are the biggest problem to wildlife around here.
  16. Marley Farley


    Green-veined WhitesSpeckled WoodOrange TipsThe Male wasn't settled, but flying around the female when I took this one at 1/2,500? secPeacock
    Green-veined WhitesSpeckled WoodOrange TipsThe Male wasn't settled, but flying around the female when I took this one at 1/2,500? secPeacock
    Green-veined WhitesSpeckled WoodOrange TipsThe Male wasn't settled, but flying around the female when I took this one at 1/2,500? secPeacock
    Green-veined WhitesSpeckled WoodOrange TipsThe Male wasn't settled, but flying around the female when I took this one at 1/2,500? secPeacock
    Brim.JPG PEA.JPG spec wood.jpg peacock.jpg speck woodA.jpg speck woodC.jpg
  17. Victoria

    Bird's Nest Identification

    Hmmm I'm sure Swallows prefer to make their nests from damp leaves and mud so they set fairly solid..I'm probably totally wrong but I'll keep thinking.
    Hmmm I'm sure Swallows prefer to make their nests from damp leaves and mud so they set fairly solid..I'm probably totally wrong but I'll keep thinking.
    Hmmm I'm sure Swallows prefer to make their nests from damp leaves and mud so they set fairly solid..I'm probably totally wrong but I'll keep thinking.
    Hmmm I'm sure Swallows prefer to make their nests from damp leaves and mud so they set fairly solid..I'm probably totally wrong but I'll keep thinking.
  18. mazambo

    Dead bee.

    @strongylodon Thanks for your help, I'll have a read up about them.
    @strongylodon Thanks for your help, I'll have a read up about them.
    @strongylodon Thanks for your help, I'll have a read up about them.
    @strongylodon Thanks for your help, I'll have a read up about them.
  19. mazambo

    Outdoor Wi-Fi camera

    I use Trail Cameras. Battery operated, outdoor casing, record to an SD card (or WiFi) when they detect movement, that sort of thing.But if your house CCTV can pick up that garden area, that's...
    I use Trail Cameras. Battery operated, outdoor casing, record to an SD card (or WiFi) when they detect movement, that sort of thing.But if your house CCTV can pick up that garden area, that's probably a better starting point ... unless all the wildlife is only a dot-in-the-distance :mad:, in which...
    I use Trail Cameras. Battery operated, outdoor casing, record to an SD card (or WiFi) when they detect movement, that sort of thing.But if your house CCTV can pick up that garden area, that's probably a better starting point ... unless all the...
    I use Trail Cameras. Battery operated, outdoor casing, record to an SD card (or WiFi) when they detect movement, that sort of thing.But if your house CCTV can pick up that garden area, that's...
  20. intel

    Is This Hedgehog Poo?

    It does look like Hedgehog poo, here's some of ours, the size is about the same as a pencil
    It does look like Hedgehog poo, here's some of ours, the size is about the same as a pencil
    It does look like Hedgehog poo, here's some of ours, the size is about the same as a pencil
    It does look like Hedgehog poo, here's some of ours, the size is about the same as a pencil
    20200404_124131_resized.jpg 20200404_124123_resized.jpg DSCF1149.JPG DSCF1150.JPG DSCF1151.JPG DSCF1152.JPG

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