Comments on photo id 124 in the album "My Daylily Collection (Spider and unusual forms)" created by simbad

  1. Spruce
    Hi Simbad

    Like this one , lovely simple flower lovely clear yellow

  2. simbad
    Now this one I will have some spare of in spring its like a triffid :D, never seen it for sale anywhere else, this was an ebay purchase a couple of years ago.
  3. Spruce
    yes please

    I am sure I could offer you one in exchange I poted up lots of small ones from the large fans I got

  4. simbad
    Ok Spruce, I'll save you a piece :-)
  5. Lililoon
    What a lovely yellow
  6. simbad
    Another ebay buy Lililoon, ended up with two of these though thought I'd bought this and Jans Twister but ended up with 2 of the same, oh well we all make mistakes, I'll sell the extra 1 and buy Jans Twister so it doesn't matter :D, its a very fast increaser too.
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