Aeschynanthus "Mona Lisa"

Aeschynanthus "Mona Lisa"
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Aeschynanthus "Mona Lisa"
  1. Freddy
    Blimey, I just bought one of these!
  2. longk
    They grow like buggery Freddy! This was only small when I got it.
  3. Freddy
    We bought ours when we were away over easter for a tenner. Unfortunately a few of the leaves got scorched in the conservatory, so we've since moved it to another spot. The place we bought it (Ottery St Mary Nurseries) seems to always carry a stock, so I dare say we'll pick up another one at some stage. Out of interest, how long could I expect them to flower for? The one I posted a picture of still has loads of buds.
  4. longk
    Two to three months, on and off through the year.
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