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  1. Roslyn Margaret
    Roslyn Margaret
    Lovely Garden nice and private to sit in.
  2. oldhag
    It might be, don't get much time or weather for sitting though!
  3. moyra
    Looks lovely, the tobacco plants are looking good too!
  4. oldhag
    Thanks moyra, I'm afraid that was two years ago. We've lost the cordyline and the conker tree. The slugs have bred well on their nicotine addiction and are now wiping out many plants!
  5. moyra
    Yes, I lost a cordyline last year but fortunately it has thrown up a baby at the side so patience is required to get it to the same height as it was. slugs are a problem. What about this new organic slug killer that doesn't harm wildlife? I should think it would cost you an arm and a leg to cover all your area of tobacco plants. The blooms are beginning to look lovely on mine. We have a few plants outside the greenhouse now to give room to those in there but as they are still in large pots
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