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  1. LunarSea likes this.
  2. LunarSea
    Ridiculously designed beastie & beautifully photographed. Looks like a right poseur with his necklace on!
    Sheps likes this.
  3. Sheps
    Ey up fella...thanks very much...he does look great with those feathery antennae.

    He really cooperated while I tried out a new lens...the Canon 100mmf2.8 L IS Macro which I'm very impressed with.

    I still kept the old 100mmf2.8 Macro as a back up, but I'd say the IS version renders a little more fine detail.
  4. LunarSea
    Eh, glad you've finally got there! Yeah I love mine too. I'll be interested to hear your experience of attaching the Raynox to this wider (67mm filter size) lens.
    Sheps likes this.
  5. Sheps
    I have a 67mm to 58mm step ring ready and waiting.

    Off to the North Norfolk coast for a week's mothing pretty soon so will give the Raynox a try then and report back.
    LunarSea likes this.
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