Brexit -am I stupid or what

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Dec 10, 2018.

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  1. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    Not sure - I think there is an increased risk that someone in the EU will just say enough and force a no deal situation, but only time will tell.

    There are a number of things from this parliament that should be investigated and criminal charges brought - the main one being the claims in that video about how No.10 deliberately scuppered Brexit, as well as the vast swathes of cash that have been wasted by Chris Grayling (Tories and scandal, who'd a thunk it!). It really does feel that those who are the richer and more powerful in society, both here and in the EU, have nothing but disdain for us little people, and they know better no matter what.
  2. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    Chris Grayling... He's... Well.. What I mean to say... Oh FFS he's a useless turd. Dish out high value contracts against all established rules, get called on it and then pull all contracts for some random reason and pay out anyway. It's the ongoing joke that is government. They can never seem to learn or deliver anything effectively
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    • Jiffy

      Jiffy The Match is on Fire

      Aug 25, 2011
      Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
      Do we need a "people's vote" now
    • pete

      pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

      Jan 9, 2005
      Mid Kent
      No we had one once before and look what that achieved. :biggrin:
      • Agree Agree x 4
      • longk

        longk Total Gardener

        Nov 24, 2011
        With all due respect I expected better of you than that video. A pastiche of edited snippets of answers that were given no context by including the question, in a random order, and from a staunch Brexit promoting organisation. Jeez, the offer quoted is not even top secret, it is what the EU and the UK are working towards and has been all along. The real issue is that hardline Brexiteers believe that the risk of a return of The Troubles to Northern Ireland is a price worth paying to leave the EU and worth the risk - it's called the backstop and it these people who have put the brakes on Brexit.

        My turn to travel this weekend and so my other half made our way to Utrecht to meet my (Dutch) daughter on her birthday yesterday. One of her friends had watched the Question Time from a couple of weeks ago with Farage on it and asked me how can a nation be duped by a man who advocates WTO rules yet has no understanding of them himself!

        For what it's worth I now see a no deal Brexit as inevitable.
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        • Fat Controller

          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

          May 5, 2012
          Public Transport
          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
          Whether edited or not @longk, you cannot deny what was said even in between edits - the facts seem very clear that there were few in Whitehall that wanted us to leave at all, hence they went all out to sink the whole thing, instead of actually trying to do what they were supposed to do. Well, that hasn't worked out too well for them, has it? Now, as you say, a no deal exit is now quite a likely scenario - so what has their bickering and faffing around solved?

          I agree, wholeheartedly, that a return to the troubles should never be considered as an acceptable risk; however, I would be the first to admit that I do not know enough about the situation there, and the cause of the troubles, to comment on that much further.

          There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we have arrived here because politicians of various guises, both here and abroad, have not listened to the electorate. That same electorate has had a gutful of being lied to, having their wallets raided at every opportunity and being dictated as to how they should live their lives. They have been sowing this for at least twenty years, if not more - it seems that harvest time has arrived and they don't like it.
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          • pete

            pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

            Jan 9, 2005
            Mid Kent
            @longk , one question. well a few really .:biggrin:
            Why can we not leave the EU?
            Why does the EU make it so difficult for member countries to leave?

            Have we been so tied up in knots by them that unravelling it is so difficult?
            Is that their ultimate aim?
            To make it so difficult to leave that no member country will ever even consider it?

            If we are forced to join the Euro I think at that point there will be definitely no escaping their clutches.
            If there is a no deal Brexit it will be down to the EU and Parliament in the UK.
            I think we should have a deal, so why can't the sods work one out, bunch of bloody morons the lot of them.

            The Irish border is an historical problem that goes way back, before the EU was even thought of, and lets face it, it's not even sorted out now properly, and I doubt it ever will.

            On a different note, I find the SNP pretty funny.
            They want a referendum on independence, but want to remain in the EU?
            Now that is a really strange way of looking at things.:biggrin:
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            • noisette47

              noisette47 Total Gardener

              Jan 25, 2013
              Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
              No it's not funny, Pete, any more than for the hundreds of thousands of English who believe that, with some reforms, the UK is better off in the EU. Wasn't the independence referendum result pretty close? So nearly half the Scots who voted want to split from UK. The figure is probably a lot higher now as they feel that they're being dragged out of the EU by default and largely against their wishes. This fiasco is costing people jobs, livelihoods, family and friendship ties, name it! Not really very funny.....
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              • longk

                longk Total Gardener

                Nov 24, 2011
                It was edited and so you cannot rely on what was said - there is no context for what was said. So no, there are no facts in that clip, merely statements.
                Given access to the same footage I could almost certainly put together a montage of that lot saying that they had no intention of sorting a deal out because the job was a cushy number so why bother doing what they were meant to! Context is everything - include no context and anything can be implied with clever editing.

                If you mean the House of Commons they have solved nothing at all.

                The overall rate of taxation in the UK is one of the lowest in what we term the developed world, lower than both the EU and OECD average and yet we have a health service, social welfare, pretty advanced infrastructure compared to much of the world, education for all (even in later years), accesible and so on. Yes a lot of things could be better, but the absolute fact is that we are luckier than most - a fact that the British steadfastly refuse to accept.

                I'm not sure that it is a dictatorship no matter how much we may disagree with smoking bans, sugar taxes etc.

                We can!

                They haven't, it is the British MPs and career opportunist Brexiteer tory scumbags (you know the ones that I mean) manouverings that have made it difficult. The transition deal is there on the table (and it is only a transition deal) but those scummers see no advantage to their careers in that. And that is all that has made it not happen, not the EU.

                It can be worked out but we need to enter into the transition period first.

                It was sorted out but Cameron cocked it up! The Good Friday agreement has lasted 21 years.

                Why? At the last independence referendum the Scots voted to remain a part of the UK and as a consequence part of the EU. In the EU referendum they voted to stay in the EU but it was the English who pulled that rug from under their feet by voting to leave. So it is the English who have moved the goalposts not the Scots.
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                • Beckie76

                  Beckie76 Total Gardener

                  Jan 26, 2015
                  Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                  Oh dear, it’s not getting any better is it? I honestly believe the EU are making it as difficult as possible to stop any other countries from trying to leave...we are being made an ‘example’ for sure.
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                  • longk

                    longk Total Gardener

                    Nov 24, 2011
                    But the transition deal is there waiting! It is our MPs who are standing in the way of progress.
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                    • Verdun

                      Verdun Passionate gardener

                      Oct 16, 2012
                      West Cornwall
                      Those calling for a second vote are banking on folks changing their minds. I don’t think the outcome will be very different and if so what then?
                      A narrow majority in favour of brexit was still a majority.....had it been the other way nothing more would have been said.
                      The EU is struggling on so many levels. The UK is still thriving !
                      • Agree Agree x 3
                      • Mike Allen

                        Mike Allen Total Gardener

                        Jan 4, 2014
                        Retired. Plant Pathologist.
                        Eltham. SE. London
                        "Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive"

                        This age old quotation comes to mind.

                        Right from the first ever thoughts, ideas etc of what is now known as the EU/Common Market. From day one. The populus was spun countless stories and wishful thoughts and ideals for a secure, interelated coexistence with our european neighbours. Europe had endured a terrible and devasting history. Now at last! a light at the end of the tunnel. Many good points were obviously raised and selected or rejected. Sadly as so often takes place, some bending of the rules etc also were born.

                        The three prominant powers, Germany, Britain and France may have played friendly and well together for a time. Then as so often happens. I/We want to be boss.
                      • longk

                        longk Total Gardener

                        Nov 24, 2011
                        What!! GDP is falling, inflation is creeping up, productivity refuses to climb and business investment here in the UK is approaching its lowest level since 2008. And that is thriving!
                        And lets not forget that all this is happening whilst we are still clinging on to the EU trade deals. Once we leave they go. Not such a huge deal as businesses are already leaving and migrating to Europe as my other half and I know all too well. Interestingly the bank that she works for is seeing an upturn in new business since moving to Frankfurt.
                        Yup, the FTSE is strong but as you and I both know and understand there is a simple explanation for that and it is dependent on the EU trade deals that we use.
                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        @longk, I accept that there was no context, but it was not edited down so far as to remove the full content behind the statements. To be honest, many people I know always thought it very odd that the government had so many Brexit ministers, none of which were allowed to negotiate - perhaps now we have a glimpse as to why.

                        Regarding it being a dicatorship, it most certainly is - mostly dictation by taxation (not just sugar tax, but also the tax on fuels, alcohol, flights, carrier bags, where you can and cannot drive if you don't "conform", Article 13, mandatory speed limiters and so on); ultimately, the way things are at the moment, if something is deemed to be somehow bad for us (ie, popular!) then they either tax it or ban it. That runs even deeper though - a majority, admittedly not a large one in percentage terms, but a majority none the less) voted in a referendum and many of the elected members have spent the subsequent three years actively trying to overturn that decision.

                        The reason that Cameron called the referendum was due to the rise in UKIP votes, so already before then the country was voting for a party who had 'leave' at the core; then there was the referendum itself, again returning a 'leave' vote; following that, there was a general election where the two largest parties (Tories and Labour) both campaigned on a 'leave' mandate, and since they failed to follow through with it, a party a matter of weeks old campaigning purely on 'leave' took the majority of the vote across the bulk of the UK. How many more times does this question have to be answered?
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