frothy problem advise needed plz x

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by joolz68, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. joolz68

    joolz68 Total Gardener

    May 16, 2011
    alfreton uk
    we are going to get the laser pen tomo and see what the diff in height is,i dont think the top pond is more than 15inches higher x
    we leave the pump on its never turned off so we best ring british gas and see how much more its costing :WINK1:
    ive been worrying about evaporation causing problems mostly ?? would that make a diff to the size of the drop of the rill/stream or would i just have to make sure its topped up so the lower pond doesnt run too low for the plants ??
    itl be trial n error like u said :heehee: maybe il move the fish to the top pond they might be safer there :loll: do you have fish i forgot to ask you? x

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Yes, Joolz, I have fish in the pond and they've been there some years.:D This is some of them in a spur off the pond.


    I did a bit of reading and research being digging the pond so that I would get the basics right. So the pond is between 3' to 4' deep to combat freezing, and irregularly shaped to add interest and make it look reasonably natural [that word again:D].

    If it's deeper in the top pond it might be wiser to move the fish to there as you say.

    I got the inference from what you said that you're thinking of using the waterfall pump for circulating the water between ponds? If you thinking of using it for simultaneous use for water fall and circulating the pond water you might be asking a lot if it's only a small pump and hasn't enough "horsepower".

    Loss of water through evaporation is a normal thing and I have to top up every now and then. I got over the effort of continually getting a hose out and running it the entire length of the garden and rolling it back up again by running a permanent hose connected to the outside tap which is hidden at the back of the West border. It runs the entire length of the garden from the house to the pond at the bottom of the garden and saves a lot of messing around.
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    • joolz68

      joolz68 Total Gardener

      May 16, 2011
      alfreton uk
      nice :) i might have to persuade darran to dig deeper on the top pond :heehee:
      Pump Filter 6800L/H is what we have now but we can always buy another more suitable if need be :)
      we have a plan for a tap or water barrels down near the greenhouse cos im sick of reeling up n down,the plants get watered before the kids get their breakfast :heehee: priorities :D
      darrans now thinking maybe he should build up the top pond in height so the water level will be even higher and so the stream will run to a waterfall down into the lower pond for more oxygen?? hes lost me :o but i dont know how much oxy you need to keep fish alive n happy :scratch:im sure he doesnt need to that :)
      i reckon keeping my horses was easier than keeping fish :heehee: x

      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      Well, I can see where Darran is going with the top pond, just using the pump to circulate the water and relying on gravity for the waterfall? Raising the top pond level will increase the speed of the flow of the Rill/Stream but only to to the capacity of the pump.
      It doesn't help the problem that WaterGarden posed though regarding overflow from the bottom pond not having the capacity to contain extra water from the water in the Rill/Stream or top pond should you switch off the pump. Very few gardeners can afford to run pumps 24/7 due to the cost.

      I know this means extra work but, if Darran's going to make the effort to raise the top pond, why not replace the bottom pond. You already have a hole where the preformed pool is and if you enlarged that hole to the point where it is bigger than the top pond and therefore able to take the gravity borne water in the Rill/Stream and surface of the Top Pond if the pump is stopped. You're already, I think, going to use pond liner for the Rill/Stream so why not get extra for a liner for the suggest bottom pond. I confess that I'm not a lover of preformed pond shells on the basis that they restrict design and thought by the pond owner, whereas with liner you can make the pond shape and depth to what you want. Just a thought:D

      Oxygenating of water is done by two methods, a: Movement of water such as a waterfall as Darran says, or b: Oxygenating plants that exist in the pond and do a 24/7 job without you having to worry.

      Actually, keeping fish, I find, is very easy. Like horses if you give them the right conditions and care they'll thrive. You wouldn't leave your horses out in freezing conditions and would shelter them. Fish only need sufficient depth of water so that the whole pond doesn't become a block of ice, and that you make sure that they don't get suffocated by poisonous gases being built up in the water due to a sheet of ice trapping it in.
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      • trogre

        trogre Gardener

        Feb 9, 2011
        Miles too late with reply as I have only just come across your post about froth. By now you should have your pond up and running now and enjoying it.
        Probably different froth from yours but I have froth every year and at first I was worried. It coincides with the frogs laying their eggs. Seems once they start to grow the froth comes, whether it is because the fish eat them and causing some sort of disturbance I do not know but could well be the eggs breaking down.
        Still it lasts about a couple of weeks and then it is gone as quick as it came.
        My wife accused me of putting washing up liquid in the pond!!!
        Flakes should not cause any froth but like all food do no overdo it. Personally also I have never put a heater in pond as I feel they do not need it. I know they are cold blooded and hibernate in winter at bottom of pond.
        Sometimes the ice has been around 2" thick but I always make sure there is a hole in the ice. Again out of personal preference I leave my waterfall on even during the winter so this makes a natural hole.
        My pond is around 2 feet deep in the middle so plenty of water for fish but I suppose if a pond is shallow you may need to heat water to keep ice off.
        I have been run running my pond now for around 13 years and never had any problems with ice casualties, now algae or that long green stuff at the start of warm weather is a different matter.
      • watergarden

        watergarden have left the forum because...i'm a sad case

        Jan 14, 2007
        Hi, I don't know if its just the way I am reading your post, but you seem to be misinformed / contradicting yourself

        You are right that "Flakes should not cause any froth" but they do / and can. (Again you are also right when you say don't over do it)

        "Personally also I have never put a heater in pond as I feel they do not need it"

        "They" being the fish? Again, you are right, the fish don't need the heater, but the water does. The heater is not there to heat all the pond, its only there to keep a small area free from ice. Not every one has a waterfall.

        "I know they are cold blooded and hibernate in winter at bottom of pond."

        Fish do not hibernate. Yes the heart rate and metabolism slows down, but they are still "awake" if you give a fish something to eat it will still eat it, it wouldn't do that if it was hibernating. It also still swims around. But here in lies a problem. If you do feed a fish that is in very cold water, its metabolism is so slow that chances are the food will rot before it gets digested, rotting food inside a fish is not good.

        As I said at the top, sorry if I have misunderstood your post.
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        • joolz68

          joolz68 Total Gardener

          May 16, 2011
          alfreton uk
          thanks armandi,i have no idea how it will end up but making it bigger is a good idea:) xx

          :D my froth has gone now togre :) i never had any froth in the other pond thou which the frogs,newts etc bombard each yr...prob because of all the duckweed its has,i need more barley straw me thinks :D x

          watergarden ,when do i stop feeding the fish plz ???? :scratch: xxx
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          • ARMANDII

            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

            Jan 12, 2019
            Hi Joolz, just seen your post after being away for a few days. It's nice to see you're getting advice on the fish etc. I honestly think since you've got ideas about the pond and Rill that you should go ahead and do it. The sense of achievement that you'll get when you've first got the ponds and connecting Rill how you want them will make you break out the Champagne!!, and then in the years after as you see it mature Darren will forget his aching back, and your supervision, and you'll have a few glasses of wine beside it.
          • joolz68

            joolz68 Total Gardener

            May 16, 2011
            alfreton uk
            we will have to wait til spring to dig the gunnera up,i will try and empty it all by then and once hes worked out how he will build the sides up it will be all systems go :D cant wait armandi :thumbsup: x
          • ARMANDII

            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

            Jan 12, 2019
            Keep us updated, Joolz, but also keep posting as you're very welcome here.:D:happydance:
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