Image | Title | Text |
A1-Smile | :) | |
A5-smile | :smile: | |
A6-biggrin | :biggrin: | |
B4-rolleyespink | :rolleyespink: | |
C2-redface | :redface: | |
B3-frown | :frown: | |
A2-Cool | :cool: 8-) | |
C3-mute | :mute: | |
B8-sad | :sad: | |
C1-mad | :mad: | |
A9-scratch | :scratch: | |
A7-WINK1 | ;) | |
A8-doh | :doh: | |
B1-scifD36 | :th scifD36: | |
J4-snooze | :snooze: | |
B7-chicken | :chicken: | |
B5-SUNsmile | :SUNsmile: | |
J5-spinning | :spinning: | |
E6-love30 | :love30: | |
C7-phew | :phew: | |
D2-blue thumb | :blue thumb: | |
D3-thumbsup | :thumbsup: | |
D1-dbgrtmb | :dbgrtmb: | |
E5-thud | :thud: | |
E3-help | :help: | |
noidea | :noidea: | |
D6-wallbanging | :wallbanging: | |
fingers crossed | :fingers crossed: | |
B6-yes | :yes: | |
old | :old: | |
G8-ideaIPB | :ideaIPB: | |
yikes | :yikes: | |
E2-yawn | :yawn: | |
D4-yay | :yay: | |
happyfeet | :hapfeet: | |
E1-hate-shocked | :hate-shocked: | |
E7-hapydancsmil | :hapydancsmil: | |
G5-yahoo | :yahoo: | |
lolpoint | :lolpt: | |
D8-gaah | :gaah: | |
J7-wow | :wow: | |
D7-dunno | :dunno: | |
whistle | :whistle: | |
C4-nonofinger | :nonofinger: | |
A4-heehee | :heehee: | |
D5-loll | :loll: | |
G9-wub2 | :wub2: | |
G1-cry3 | :cry3: | |
J6-stirpot | :stirpot: | |
impheart | :imphrt: | |
B2-what | :what: | |
G3-doggieshmooze | :doggieshmooze: | |
G2-cat-kittyandsmiley | :cat-kittyandsmiley: | |
C8-ROFLOL | :roflol: | |
J3-sick0026 | :sick0026: | |
C6-ouch1 | :ouch1: | |
B9-coffee | :coffee: | |
E4-huh | :huh: | |
J8-catapult | :catapult: | |
group hug | :grphg: | |
pathd | :pathd: | |
parsnip | :psnp: | |
P3-pcthwack | :pcthwack: | |
P4-paladin | :paladin: | |
G6-dancy | :dancy: | |
G4-ccheers | :ccheers: | |
star | :star: | |
J2-runforhills | :runforhills: | |
P5-oops | :oops: | |
please | :please: | |
Pillow Fight | :pillow: | |
Itchy | :itchy: | |
GIFs | ||
Agree | :agree: :nod: | |
Lick Lips | :lick: :licky: | |
Matron | :matron: :ooherr: | |
Nope | :nope: :no: :naw: | |
Large Smileys | ||
Coffee | :coffee1: | |
Tear | :tear: | |
WantLick | :yummy: :wantlick: | |
Yummy | :chocyum: | |
Beer | :beer: | |
DIY | :diy: | |
HappyHeart | :heart: | |
HotSun | :firesun: | |
Ill | :ill: :sick: | |
JumpJoy | :joy: | |
Music | :music: | |
Nerd | :nerd: | |
Nervous | :nervous: | |
Oucho | :oucho: | |
ROFL | :rofl: | |
Shocked | :shocked: | |
Bravo | :bravo: | |
Splat | :splat: | |
A3-snork | :snork: | |
A3-snork-new | :snorky: | |
Wino | :Wino: | |
J1-lunapic 130165696578242 5 | :lunapic 130165696578242 5: | |
M1-ThankYou | :ThankYou: | |
spam | :spam: | |
busted | "busted" | |
G7-eeew | :eeew: | |
M3-sign0016 | :sign0016: | |
new | :new: | |
M5-rofllol | :rofllol: | |
M4-oopss | :oopss: | |
M2-goodpost | :goodpost: | |
partytime | :partytime: | |
redx | :redx: | |
P1-sofa | :sofa: | |
autumn leaves | :autlvs: | |
Thinking | :thinking: | |
Congrats | :congrats: | |
OldLady | :oldlady: | |
Awesome | :awesome: | |
BananaLlama | :banlam: | |
Welcome | :youwelcome: | |
Sweeping | :sweep: | |
Uh-Oh | :uh-oh: | |
Cheers | :cheers: | |
Popcorn | :popcorn: | |
Evil | :evil: | |
Good Morning | :gmorning: | |
Panic | :panic: | |
Steamy Poo | :steamy: | |
Tired | :tired: | |
Birthday | :birthday: | |
Thank You | :thankyou: | |
Campfire | :campfire: | |
Bonfire | :bonfire: | |
Fishing | :fishing: | |
Weather | ||
Snow | :snowing: | |
Lightning | :bolt: | |
Snow | :snow: | |
Hot Sun | :hotsun: | |
snow dig | "snow dig" | |
Sunny | :sunny: | |
Rain | :rain: | |
Cloudy | :cloudy: | |
Garden & Animals | ||
Gardening | :gardening: | |
Dig | :dig: | |
Sunflower | :sunflower: | |
Happy Flowers | :hapflower: | |
Peapod | :peapod: | |
Kooky Sunflower | :kooky: | |
Strawberry | :idea: | |
Happy Flowers 2 | :hapflowers2: | |
Tomato | :tomato: | |
Wheelbarrow | :wheelie: | |
Parsnip | :parsnip: | |
Potato | :potato: | |
Leek | :leek: | |
Pepper | :pepper: | |
Carrot | :carrot: | |
Corn | :corn: | |
Swan | :swan: | |
Winking Owl | :winkowl: | |
Sparrow | :sparrow: | |
Hedgehog | :hhog: | |
Badger | :badger: | |
Planting | :planting: | |
Miscellaneous | ||
Recliner | :recliner: | |
Poo | :poo: | |
Thank you | :thanks: | |
Autumn | :autumn: | |
Christmas Smileys | ||
Blown Lights | :fused: | |
Checking His List | :checkinglist: | |
Christmas Bells | :xmasbells: | |
Christmas Candy | :candy: | |
Christmas Fireplace | :fireplace: | |
Christmas Kisses | :xmaskisses: | |
Christmas Stocking | :stocking: | |
Decorate Tree | :decoratetree: | |
Drinking Santa | :drunksanta: | |
Giving Gift | :givegift: | |
Here is a Gift | :heresagift: | |
Joy To The World | :joytoworld: | |
Jump In | :jumpin: | |
Jumping Santa | :santajump: | |
Merry Christmas | :merryxmas: | |
Mistletoe Hat | :mistlhat: | |
Mistletoe Kiss | :mtkiss: | |
Open Gift | :opengift: | |
Plug In | :plugin: | |
Presents Under The Tree | :pressietree: | |
Reindeer | :reindeer: | |
Reindeer Ready to Go! | :reindeerbounce: | |
Reindeer Sleigh | :reindeersleigh: | |
Santa Gift | :santagift: | |
Santa in Chimney | :santachim: | |
Santa Stuck | :santastuck: | |
Seasons Greetings | :seasonsgreetings: | |
Smiley with Xmas Tree | :smileytree: | |
Snowman | :snowman: | |
Snowman Smile | :snowmansmile: | |
Sweet Stocking | :sweeties: | |
Wreath | :wreath: | |
Yay! Its Christmas! | :xmasyay: | |
snow plough | "snow plough" | |
Champagne | :champagne: | |
Champagne Accident | :popouch: | |
Happy New Year | :hapnewyr: | |
New Year FIreworks | :newyrfirework: | |
New Year Hat | :newyrhat: | |
New Year Kiss | :newyrkiss: | |
New Year Sparkle | :newyrsparkle: | |
NYCalendar | :calendar: | |
NYDrunk | :NYdrunk: |