Dry, cloudy morning and a few showers now but very strong winds again, 13c.
The Goldcrest has been every day for over two weeks and I finally got shots of it on the fat balls. [ATTACH][ATTACH]
@Escarpment I guess it didn't but at least 4 came back today and no hawk.
The local Sparrowhawk visited yesterday afternoon and unfortunately took one of the Siskins. Gruesome photos but I suppose it is easy prey....
This was my first sighting of a Short Eared Owl on Wednesday, it was late afternoon and my Nikon P950 can't cope with low light so all my photos...
The vista view of St Catherine's Chapel. [ATTACH]Fascicularias on a tree dead trunk. [ATTACH]Golden Pheasant one of two roaming around., I...
A half price offer and a sunny day was good for another visit. A few flowering trees and shrubs out and a few I am not familiar with. We only...
The Goldcrest was back again and straight onto the fat balls but I couldn't get a decent shot due to the glass reflection and it's speed. [ATTACH]
Sunny all day but only reached 5c.
Fulmar Petrels, Durlston Country Park cliffs, near Swanage. [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
Cattle Egret (with a Little Egret) in the afternoon sun yesterday. [ATTACH][ATTACH]
They were introduced in the late 1600's for ornamental wildfowl collections, first was St James Park in London. There are dozens of the around...
Very little in flower at present just a few Galanthus, one Hellebore, Coronilla and some Daphne flowers opened today. [ATTACH][ATTACH]...
Our Robins are very aggressive still, chasing off the Siskins, Goldfinches and even the Dunnocks as soon as they appear.
Separate names with a comma.