Sveiki !:) :) :)
I have about 100 dahlias varieties for this day. Of course, every year I buy some new ones. Dahlias aren't perennials - of course, I must plant...
[img][img][img] GRAND PRIX, HONEY DEW, ANATOL[img][img]FATA MORGANA, GRYSSON'S PERFECT[img][img]SEATLE[img][img][img]MASURAO,...
Some dahlias from my garden:[img][img][img] BINGO, EDENBURG, FRANZ KAFKA[img][img][img] CITRON DU CUP, EVELINE, JEANNIE D'ARC[img][img]...
Some of my TB irises:[img] [img][img][img] [img][img][img] [img][img][img] [img][img][img] [img][img][img]Some MDB (miniature dwarff bearded);...
Kandyfloss, of course, You must spray Your daylilies from the thripses! We have "ACTARA" - it's very fine for that. If I don't spray, I should...
And the next:[img][img][img][img]ARRIBA, ADMIRAL TWAIN, CAPE CODE, JEANNIE SUE[img][img][img][img]AWAITED HOWL, CHARM BRACELETTE,...
The most part of daylilies from my collection are old varieties. I hope - not for the long time. Every year I get new varieties; this summer I...
Please, look at the names under the pictures
Hello, Ermintrude, I think, You will not find the normal people between flowers collectors or hybridizers. Good luck to look for normal between...
OK, takemore02withit, when I shall get some free time, I shall write names under the photos
Some photos from my tulip's collection:[img][img][img] 7 REGULUS, 13 ROBASSA, 7 THE SKIPPER [img][img][img] 8 CHINA PINK, 11 BLUE DIAMOND,...
Separate names with a comma.