Todays Joke Thread....

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Banana Man, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    A woman wakes up in hospital after having a Vaginal tuck opperation,
    On the windowsill were 3 bunches of flowers,
    1 from her surgeon to say all went well.
    1 from her husband to say I love You,
    And 1 from tommy in the burns unit to say
    Thanks for the new ears.. :eek:
  2. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    I remember the most wonderful day in my life.

    Dressed in my best suit I went to our local church, walked slowly down the aisle accompanied by my best mate.

    Kissed my wife gently on the cheek.

    .....................And closed the lid.

    Sorry. Bad taste I know and so is this:-

    Edna and Bob were sitting by the swimming pool in the secure psychiatric unit where they had been sent for life. Suddenly Bob fell in and sank straight to the bottom. Edna, without thinking dived in swam to the bottom grabbed Bob and rescued him.

    The next day the senior consultant sent for Edna and said to her, 'Well Edna, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that your actions yesterday show that you are cured and so we are releasing you. I'm afraid the bad news is that Bob has killed himself in the bathroom.'

    ' In the bathroom?' said Edna. 'Strange. That's where I hung him up to dry.' [​IMG] Sorry.
  3. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    :D [​IMG]
    Well done again all. Walnut yours from the 5th was spot on. I love jokes about the British, does that make me a self-racist??

    Keep up the jokes everyone. Like Cajary said, this is great if you've had a bad day.

  4. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    No Borrowers that makes you a masochist :D
  5. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    A husband and wife are sitting quietly in bed reading when the wife looks over at him and asks THE question.
    WIFE: "What would you do if I died? Would you get married again"?

    HUSBAND: "Definitely not"!

    WIFE: "Why not? Don't you like being married"?

    HUSBAND: "Of course I do".

    WIFE: "Then why wouldn't you remarry"?

    HUSBAND: "Okay, okay. I'd get married again".

    WIFE: "You would"? (with a hurt look)

    HUSBAND: (makes audible groan)

    WIFE: "Would you live in our house"?

    HUSBAND: "Sure, it's a great house".

    WIFE: "Would you sleep with her in our bed"?

    HUSBAND: "Where else would we sleep"?

    WIFE: "Would you let her drive my car"?

    HUSBAND: "Probably, it's almost new".

    WIFE: "Would you replace my pictures with hers"?

    HUSBAND: "That would seem like the proper thing to do".

    WIFE: "Would you give her my jewellery"?

    HUSBAND: "No, I'm sure she'd want her own".

    WIFE: "Would you take her golfing with you"?

    HUSBAND: "Yes, those are always good times".

    WIFE: "Would she use my clubs"?

    HUSBAND: "No, she's left-handed".

    WIFE: --------Silence---------------

    HUSBAND: "Sh * t".
  7. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    (This one is too funny to not forward.)

    My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who
    seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks.

    As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and
    told us that "Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing
    the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your
    trays up, that would be super."

    On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather
    Arabic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. "Perhaps you didn't hear me
    over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the
    main man can pitty-pat us on the ground."

    She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a
    Princess and I take orders from no one."

    To which (I swear) the flight attendant replied, without missing a
    beat, "Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I
    outrank you. Tray-up, Bitch."
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Some Irish jokes just received. They are all old - but OK.

    Five Englishmen in an Audi Quattro arrived at an Irish border checkpoint. Paddy the officer stops them and tells them: 'It is illegal to put 5 people in a Quattro, Quattro means four'

    'Quattro is just the name of the automobile,' the Englishman retorts disbelievingly. 'Look at the papers: this car is designed to carry five persons.'

    You cannot pull that one on me,' replies Paddy 'Quattro means four. You have five people in your car and you are therefore breaking the law.

    'The Englishmen replies angrily, 'You idiot! Call your supervisor over I want to speak to someone with more intelligence!'

    'Sorry,' responds Paddy, 'Murphy is busy with 2 guys in a Fiat Uno.'

    Following a night out with a few friends, a man brought them back to show off his new flat.

    After the grand tour, the visitors were rather perplexed by the large gong taking pride of place in the lounge.
    'What's that big brass gong for?' one of the guests asked

    'Why, that's my Speaking Clock' the man replied.

    'How does it work?'

    'I'll show you', the man said, giving the gong an ear-shattering blow with an unpadded hammer.

    Suddenly, a voice from the other side of the wall screamed,'For, f*** sake, you *****, it's twenty to two in the f***ing morning!!'

    A young man excitedly tells his mother he's fallen in love and is going to get married.

    He says, 'Just for fun, Ma, I'm going to bring over 2 other female friends in addition to my fiance and you try and guess which one I'm going to marry'.

    The next day, he brings 3 beautiful women into the house and sits them down on the couch and they chat for a while.
    He then says, 'Okay, Ma. Guess which one I'm going to marry.'

    She immediately replies, 'The red-head in the middle.'

    'That's amazing, Ma. You're right, how did you know?'

    'I don't like her.'

    Mick was in court for a double murder and the judge said, 'You are charged with beating your wife to death with a spanner.'

    A voice at the back of the courtroom yelled out, 'You b*stard!'

    The judge continued, 'You are also charged with beating your daughter to death with a spanner.'

    Again, the voice at the back of the courtroom yelled out, 'You f***ing b*stard!!!'

    The judge stopped, looked at the man in the back of the courtroom, and said, 'Paddy, I can understand your anger and frustration at this crime, but I will not have any more of these outbursts from you or I shall charge you with contempt! Now what is the problem?'

    Paddy, at the back of the court stood up and responded, 'For fifteen years I lived next door to that b*stard. And every time I asked to borrow a f****ing spanner, he said he didn't have one!'


    A man walks into a bar and asks for a beer. After drinking it, he looks in his shirt pocket and asks for another beer.

    After drinking that one, he looks in his shirt pocket again and asks for another beer.

    This happens about another seven time before the bartender asks him, 'Why do you keep looking in your pocket?'

    The man replies, 'I have a picture of my wife in there. When she looks good enough, I'll go home.
  9. Gogs

    Gogs Gardener

    Jul 11, 2006
    Cat n Mouse . :confused:

  10. Gogs

    Gogs Gardener

    Jul 11, 2006
    Bill and Hillary's 40th Anniversary
    Bill and Hillary were married 40 years. When they first got married Bill said, "I am putting a box under the bed. You must promise never to look in it." In all their 40 years of marriage Hillary never looked.

    However, on the afternoon of their 40th anniversary curiosity got the best of her and she lifted the lid and peeked inside. In the box were 3 empty beer cans and $1874.25 in cash. She closed the box and put it back under the bed. Now that she knew what was in the box, she was doubly curious as to why.

    That evening they were out for a special dinner. After dinner Hillary could no longer contain her curiosity and she confessed, saying, "I am so sorry. For all these years I kept my promise and never looked into the box under our bed. However today the temptation was too much and I gave in. But now I need to know why do you keep the empty cans in the box?"

    Bill thought for a while and said, "I guess after all these years you deserve to know the truth. Whenever I was unfaithful to you I put an empty beer can in the box under the bed to remind myself not to do it again."

    Hillary was shocked, but said, "I am very disappointed and saddened but I guess after all those years away from home on the road, temptation does happen and I guess that 3 times is not that bad considering the years."

    They hugged and made their peace. A little while later Hillary asked Bill, "Why do you have all that money in the box?"

    Bill answered, "Whenever the box filled with empties, I cashed them in."
  11. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
  12. Gogs

    Gogs Gardener

    Jul 11, 2006
  13. geckoman

    geckoman Gardener

    Mar 3, 2007
    A married man left work early one Friday afternoon. Instead of going home, he spent the weekend (and his money) partying with the boys. When he finally returned home on Sunday night, His wife really got on his case and stayed on it.

    After a couple of hours of swearing and screaming, his wife paused and pointed at him and made him an offer "How would you like it if you didn't see me for a couple of days?!?"

    The husband couldn't believe his luck, so he looked up, smiled and said,

    "That would suit me just fine!!"

    Monday went by and the man didn't see his wife. Tuesday and Wednesday went by and he still didn't see her.

    Come Thursday, the swelling had gone down a bit and he could see her a little, out of the corner of his left eye.
  14. Juliasaurus

    Juliasaurus Gardener

    Apr 21, 2007
    I've just sent that to Mr Juliasaurus as a warning... ;)
  15. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007

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