Thanks for your reply I will give it a try . where your buls still usable ??
My Garlic has developed very bad rust, last years was fine but this year bad can anyone give advice as to what to do. Not keen on chemicals on veg...
Here is a picture of my Meconopsis Betoncifolia Iuasually find these die on me but success[ATTACH] Taken 24th may
[ATTACH] seed grown taken with my OLD olympus C-200
try the Panasonic Lumix FZ45 I used to have an olympus panasonic beats it hands down
Excitment just noticed my plumeria which is about 2.5 yrs old has flower buds
I agree Cornus
PINGUICULA not sure why it rots are you using rainwater
Because wales considers itself a seperate country ??
The filters last 4-6 months or longer depending on use , you dont have to prodce 50 gallons you can prodce what you like from 1 to 50 gallons in a...
reply from the ebay supplier Hi, the difference between r/o water and di water is r/o water is filtered to a rate of 90 to 95%, di water is...
I have tried eating ground elder raw it has a slight celery flavour I dont like celery but ground elder I find quite nice better than lettuce in... Let me know your views
You can get a system on ebay from £34.99
Does anyone use reverse osmisis water for plants canivourus inparticular I am interested in the use of this and like some info if you have some
Separate names with a comma.