Hmmmm:scratch: Shrouded in mystery @NigelJ .....will there be a great reveal at some point ?
Awww what a lovely photo Woo. I so love seeing pets playing out in the garden.:doggieshmooze::doggieshmooze:
What a Gentleman you are Woo. :imphrt:Take note pete.:whistle:
Looks good @Hanglow .Don't mean to be rude but your greenhouse looks as tidy as mine. :heehee:
The man who invented the ' knock -knock jokes should get a no bell prize.
I've just written a song about Tortillas, actually, it's more of a rap.
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular.
Don't you just hate it when someone answers their own questions ? I do.
Beautiful here too ,although not quite your temps.:heehee:. 8C ,but feels OK now that awful wind has gone.[ATTACH]Hot off the press just...
Try putting the seeds you have already sown in the fridge overnight only and on the counter during the day. It's just a case of finding what...
Hi Lori ....just a suggestion here but did you store the Cleome seeds in the fridge prior to sowing them? If you did then I wouldn't put them back...
Morning Vicky.Sorry to hear that J is feeling under the weather, sounds like he has a lot going on all at the same time, not good.....for either...
Oh gosh yes being hit by flying Oranges is no joke is it :yikes: !! Batten down your hatches. :smile:
Agree:scratch:We have some clearing up to do too. I found , what I think is my youngest Blueberry , rolling around with all it's potted soil...
Oh sorry to hear you've got the wind bug too Vicky , what are your wind speeds?We have a couple of Wind Chimes too ,mostly their lovely...but...
No way!!!! !! ! Only classical music for me on the radio.I have found a website on pain inducing one liners though. So be afraid.....very...
[ATTACH]Good morning everybody.How's everyone today?We're in for a cloudy but :fingers crossed: dry day and hopefully a lot less windy too....
The sun is peeping through and everything is calm not a whisper of a breeze at all. Lovely.[ATTACH]
I decided to sell my old vacuum cleaner the other day as it was only gathering dust.
Despite our forecast shows the winds have supposedly dropped significantly, well they haven't !! If anything they feel and look stronger that...
Separate names with a comma.