The drug was the non steroidal anti inflammatory diclofenac, this was used to treat pain in animals and humans, so cow limps give diclofenac. The...
Too late we've got nuclear fission already. We also know we can bang matter and antimatter together to get annihilation, we just need more...
Neither does cremation, which is how I ended up with one hip and socket and my brother ended up with the other as a last gift from our mother.
It's not really a problem as the liquid nitrogen evaporates, any liquid can go through the usual sewage system and the solid waste can be buried...
Does this mean the "family" have to go at the same time. You could ask if they offer a DIY service were they send you a plan, a shovel and a short...
Best prices were paid for white and crumbly, diet had a lot of bone, less common these days with "posh" dog food. The best white were used in...
Just received seeds from Special Plants, ordered just before Christmas.
Possibly Stenocorus-cursor, closest I could find in the Collins Pocket Guide to Britain and Western Europe.
Now this is horrifying.
I'm not sure that's a barrier these days.
Interesting, but I've always believed this to be the wrong way round and the Monkey should be your Uncle as from an evolutionary point of view...
In the article you linked the examples there do not state they are not AI; so even if you use those social platforms you can choose not to...
There were the original Celtic druids and then there is the modern reimagined druids which started with some Victorian toffs.
Scilla hohenackeri apparently now Fessia not Scilla [ATTACH]Crocus sieberi [ATTACH]
Here we've had over 2" of rain since 1800 hrs yesterday, the ground is sodden again and there is standing water in places, breezy getting windy...
He won't make it to the freezer before he melts.
I have never grown them, but have a look at Jungle Seeds Search: 10 results found for "brugmansia" and Plant World Seeds...
You mean this?Drivers born before 1954 may be asked to undergo “vision tests” and "cognitive assessments”. Siobhan Thomas, Partner in Hugh James...
Separate names with a comma.