No thanks, absinthe is aniseed flavoured and traditionally was poured over a sugar cube, to ease the bitterness, it is also around 70% alcohol and...
Wormwood (Artemsia absinthium) is also used in the manufacture of Absinthe, which was popular in France (late 19th early 20th centuries) and it...
No that means that some people treat the Revelation to John as a factual prediction and yes the oxymoron is intended. What means it will come back...
Well some people will believe anything.
The new plan is that Russia and USA get rid of the Ukranian Government and then split the resources between Trump's and Putin's rich pals.
Artemesia absinthium (wormwood) is not an annual it's a hardy deciduous perennial. See here for information Artemisia absinthium | wormwood...
If I see a picture or hear of a plant that sounds interesting I'll research it. Sometimes I'll visit a nursery with something in mind and...
Galanthus ikariae [ATTACH] Scilla mischtenkoana [ATTACH]Crocus tommasinianus "enjoying the sun". [ATTACH] Galanthus nivalis naturalised....
I chit sweet pea seeds and some others as it means I only sow seeds starting to grow and if necessary I can start some more off.
The wind is getting up at the moment and the rain is due in the next hour and lasts until tomorrow morning, the wind falls off this evening....
We don't have enough reservoirs and aquifers take a long time to replenish (years). What is more likely is that the heavy rain will result in more...
Brewery spent grains. Round here they collect the "green" waste once a fortnight and charge you for that; or you can take a bootful to the...
Pricked out chitted sweet pea seeds. Need to buy more seed for next year. Watered as required in the greenhouse. Removed a lot of long grass...
Could easily have drier summers and wetter winters.
Nature inFocus Photography Awards 2024: Leopards, sharks and spiders
Spring like, sun, 12°C, not much breeze. Very wet underfoot though after a couple of inches of rain this week.
Church of Mammon?
Heard the same thing a decade or more ago about UK banknotes. That was when they were paper, not sure if cocaine sticks as well to the modern...
Now I remember that it was this type of balanced even handed reporting that persuaded me not to bother with the Daily Mail. It even drove my...
Can I book a seat in your time machine please. I trip back 40 years would allow me to warn my younger self "don't bother; this is as good as it gets."
Separate names with a comma.