I have this in my garden. The first year I had it, I put it in my pond as a marginal; it didn't do too well there. Was rather disappointed in...
May not have to wait a whole year ;) If you think about it: what is a greenhouse? :dunno: Nothing more than a rather huge propagator ;)To keep...
Hi Lee :sign0016: - when you say a "mini pond" what are you actually speaking of? A bucket? A washing up bowl? A barrel? A pre-form?...
:sign0016: to GC @CulmoreCultivatorNo idea on your tree/shrub :scratch: bit too early to tell with only buds to go by.Congratulations on...
You're on! I actually bought two Easter Cactus at the time; this year this one is flowering but the other is just green. Can't even recall the...
You Londoner's and your microclimate :rolleyes: (or is that another term for global warming?) :whistle: :heehee:Thank you, @Vince that makes...
Wow! Ok!! Very interesting, thank you. Never even heard of a Thanksgiving Cactus (and I do have Christmas Cactus, which duly flowered on time)....
Mine clearly thrive on neglect! They've all been in tubs since purchase (must be at least 5 years ago). Never watered, never fed ... haven't...
Thank you :) I only used two: compost bin :whistle:
... how much you use it ;)You've done a grand job getting it up - especially in the soggy weather of late. What are the panes made of?
About 18 months :scratch: Why, has the name changed recently? :dunno: :heehee:
:shhhhh: :slaphead: :shhhhh:
I was reading a gardening book this morning and, taking on board some of the advice, I moved my woodland pot to a different location in the...
I'll get #1 son to post that later so you can say you've heard it twice ;) We share a love of reading and his reading ability was way ahead of his...
I typed in "stupid pigeon egg" into Google and this is the first picture to come up[IMG]:snorky:
You have indeed - hope you enjoyed the Easter Egg I sent you as a reward :thumbsup:
#1 son bought me this for Mother's Day and last night I thought it was about time I opened it :redface:[IMG]First few chapters seem a bit ......
Makes a change ;) :heehee:
You will see them because they are on your PC in your cache; but, because you have copied this over from another thread, you will need to repost...
:sign0016: to GC @Riverman lovely to have you join us. This is my second year with Dahlias but I've never attempted Delphiniums before; may...
Separate names with a comma.