There is a thread on here somewhere (The battle with slugs and snails is over) where I posted I was absolutely plagued by them in my borders. I...
Mowed the lawns. Cut back the Geraniums hoping to get a second flush. Watered the pots in the back patio then looked for the Lupins I planted a...
@ricky101 I've never taken a cutting from my clematis but I will definitely give it a go. I hope you find one. :dbgrtmb:@Jocko that's an...
@ricky101 I would be happy to collect some seeds for you off both the blue and purple when they are ready. Not sure if it would work as I've...
Here you go @ricky101 I hope this helps [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Hi @ricky101 Yes of course. I bought them both from Costco a couple of years ago. Sadly I don't know much about them but I do have the label...
Thanks @Upsydaisy I've been really enjoying the goodies whilst my hairs looked like an exploded cushion in this wind:panic:
Mainly at the allotment today weeding and collecting goodies. It's still really windy so alot of staking in the garden as everything's getting...
Hi @Auricula I can only go off what I have which are 2 clematis 'So Many' in individual pots. Both pots around the size you mentioned above....
Thanks @Sheal and @pete :love30: I'll get them staked. I think I may have to do something more permanent too as it is a windy spot and didn't...
I'm sorry to hear that @Jocko It's not something I have experienced before so I'm unsure what to do next :wallbanging:
Hi all, I have returned home this evening after a lovely day in Wales with friends to find one of my large Lavatera and Buddleja virtually bent...
@Upsydaisy my OH says I can cut the hedges and borders straight by eye because I was a hairdresser for years :biggrin:Potted on 2 cacti and...
Bought and planted 2 lupins then read on the internet all the issues they can come with :rolleyespink: Took all the shelving out of the greenhouse...
Ooo that's a new one to me @shiney . Thank you :dbgrtmb:
Hi all, could anyone please tell me what this is. Found on my allotment today. Thanks in advance :blue thumb: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Quick update. I've taken the Acer out of it's pot cleaned the roots and 3 hours later it's in it's new pot with fresh compost. :phew: I found...
Thanks @Upsydaisy :dbgrtmb: I'm really pleased with them so far. They all went in during winter so didn't expect flowers this year. Glad your...
Planted a honeysuckle in the new border. Neatened up the grass edging. Found vine weevil in my Acers :doh: Luckily the newly planted Rose's...
@ricky101 thanks :love30: I can get it out of the pot and will do as you suggest. I've just ordered 2 bottles of Bug clear vine weevil killer...
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