Oh yes, Freddy, we do get frosts. We are between the Blond Mountains (actually hills compared to Scotland) and the Massive Central and boy, can...
Hello ChrysocollaI am not an expert gardener - perish the thought - but I am an expert mover. I have been moving plants around for more years...
Mamma still in situ and no news so far.My neighbour brought her grand daughter over today - aged four and a half - and together we will await...
Hello OogieBoogie and welcome from me, another newbie.Where on earth did you "dig up" your name?? I am always fascinated by peoples'...
Excerpts from a Dog's Diary8:00 am - Dog food! My favourite thing! 8:30 am - Finished off the cat food! My favourite thing! 9:30 am - A car...
Hi again. You have had some really good advice here Cattwoman and I think you should consider how you approach the Council, if you still intend...
If I send a stamped addressed envelope............................ :confused:
Crikey, Walnut, how do you know all that stuff? It's fascinating. I will pop back and look under the rock now and then. I quite like spiders...
Young lady applies for a job.Deer Sir,I waunt to apply for the secritary job what I saw in the paper. I can Type real quik wiv one finggar...
Right, D.M., this is war ! :mad:But, on the other hand, I think that's really funny and ssssoooooooooooooooo true !! [img]Gonna...
then I wouldn't have to get on a plane - which I hate !What if there was no more wine.
Testament of Youth (Vera Brittain)
couch (for me - gym for him)type or write
rickety undercarriage should holdAGED
Hey, K-G, I hope it is either of those as they are both great homeopathic remedies. [img]
You are not the only sentimental one T & O.Many years ago when I was married to my ex we always had very old cars which only lasted a year or...
My tree-surgeon son will love that Fonzie - he's away on a long trip but I'll email it to him :D :D
A man boarded a plane at Sydney airport. As he was taking his seat and settling in, he noticed a very beautiful woman boarding the aircraft. He...
When our lawn mower broke I kept hinting to my husband that he should get it fixed. But, somehow he always had something else to take care of...
Separate names with a comma.