Any chance that includes breakage insurance?
They are emailing you and don't know the answer to that? :scratch: :biggrin:I have no idea what the top-and-bottom of all this rumpus is.I...
I don't fancy that ... however there is a "hidden gardens" club that visits not-open-to-public gardens; I've not been, but I assume they are "of a...
Good idea! Thanks. Not sure that grass will look right here, but you've reminded me of something else that I have seen ... and grass would look...
I don't take any exercise ... I should of course. When I went for my Bupa health check thingie a couple of years ago they complained that the...
The whole project has been based on working from one end, and then exiting the far end, so I have one-shot at getting everything in the right...
So now it is the year after that :hate-shocked: :hate-shocked: :hate-shocked: :hate-shocked:but the good news is that this was last year ... so...
I'm sure Victoria just made a typo ... no need for the spelling police if you understood what she meant.
Have you got anywhere for a compost heap? Seems likely you would be doing that if you could ... I'd hate to give away all that useful material,...
Its usually from the glue that holds the tubes together. Nothing to worry about.When I plant loo-roll or newspaper pots I tear off all...
In case helpful here's what I do when potting onI only use same-brand-and-size pots for everything, 'coz I have loads to do and it streamlines...
I agree with @noisette47 to provide a little extra in the areas that were missedDunno if any help, but when I spread something on the lawn...
:sign0016:Coincidentally a very similar question came up a day or two ago which might have some answersClimbing plants
I start mine off too early every year ... my sowing-diary has loads of crossings out and later date notes but even this year they are more...
I wondered what was coming up when you opened with "Asking for a friend" !I agree with the others - what's done is done, and I too would be keen...
I agree, although once established there is a "lot going on" with a significant amount of stems in Winter - might it be enough to soften /...
AFAIK its not going to help the NHS, but rather it is going to the NHS staffCaptain Tom's fundraising, fabulous achievement that it is, would...
I'm up for it if you are :roflol:
I thought Monty Don did all right ... well ... on the basis that he said he was doing it all himself, but maybe there was a full hazmat camera and...
I would have said Canary Bird, but that flowers early ...
Separate names with a comma.