I think they could be in for a shock, especially as, worldwide, the "lunatics" seem to be taking over the asylums.lol
As the queen is reported to have said, why can`t we just leave.
Totally agree Mowerman. How those pompous, pampered prats can hamper a democratically made decicision is beyond me. It`s about time they realised...
Sheal, conifers tend to form a rootball, rather than a spreading root system, which makes them fairly easy to dig out. Also, people seem to be...
That`s unlike you to be sceptical Pete.lol I totally agree though.
Thanks for the heads up Pete. When it comes down to it, if you didn`t contact the seed company in the first place, then it is likely to be a...
Down here in South Torfaen all sites have mains water. However, we are now setting up a water harvesting programme. On our site, we have 9 x...
In my view, they are more selfserving than the riff raff in the Commons.
Dig the planting hole first so the plant is out of the ground for the least time possible.
That's not what Tony thinks as only he has a special phone to the Big Man upstairs:love30:We have no hope now then as he is Pope.
Lori, when that film was made we only HAD black and white flowers.lol
Linz, it may be 10 years old but you should NOT be renewing the clutch every year.
Put in a complaint to Peugeot HQ Linz,
Exactly. The Attorney General told the enquiry he had advised Blair that any attack on Iraq would be illegal. Then, of course, there is the...
If it`s the 3rd time its gone Linz, then I would say it would be cheaper to replace the car.
Totally agree Pete, the man is a self serving, money grubbing, egotistical pillock who should be in The Hague waiting to go on trial.
If the plant is too big for what @DoubleMM wants, then she is right to cut it down. Plants don`t control the gardener, the gardener controls the...
00000000000000000000000000001348We should set up a campaign to have Blair, and his master, Bush junior, subpoenad for crimes against humanity.lol
Not in the slightest.lol
Yes Pete, of course Pete lol lol lol
Separate names with a comma.