I've got quite a lot of foxgloves in my garden this year, which is very interesting because I didn't plant them. Same with verbascums - lots of...
My cherries and strawberries always get eaten by blackbirds - it's my own fault, I know. I don't put protection in place quick enough. We're...
Brilliant transformation, you've done wonders.
None of the tiny amount of rain that has fallen so far has penetrated the ground, which has remained dry under the top quarter-inch. However, it...
Just wonderful, and truly inspirational. I'd love to see it, but it will probably be gone from Bournemouth by the time I get there later this...
My passiflora is dead-looking and some dahlias which were left in the ground over winter are not showing any signs of regrowth. I know they are...
Yup, gardening is something that you never "finish". There's always a new project or new plants or a rearrangement of existing plants.....ad...
It does seem to add up without you noticing. £12 on seeds earlier this year, then £35 for Sauron the lion (found at the secret garden centre);...
I'm afraid I couldn't afford the £800 for the plane ticket to Outer Mongolia, so I shall be absent in the garden instead.
Amazing - 10,000 seems an excessively high amount of accidents. I often see those deer warning signs along country roads or even motorways in...
Hi John, I've finally read through to the end of your thread - what a saga!!! I am full of admiration and think you have done a wonderful job,...
Pyracantha is very attractive with white blossom in the Spring and orange berries in the Autumn. It has killer thorns - I know because I've been...
It'll be Outer Mongolia for me too, pleeeeeeeese - when's the plane leaving?
I've seen those mini polytunnels in Wyevales - is that what you mean? They look awfully tempting, although you'd probably have to make sure they...
I should get some nice new bulbs in the Autumn - seeds are far too much bother and take too long.
Wish there was a Morrisons near me - all my fuschias in the greenhouse appear dead, although I suppose there is still time for a miraculous revival.
Or David, as in St. David's Day which is on 1st March when the daffodils are in bloom.
Gosh, that place looks absolutely fascinating - I wish I lived nearer as I would love to see it. Imagine it being neglected for that length of...
No rain here either, and there hasn't been for weeks. Some of my plants are beginning to look a bit distressed, so I'll have to get the hose out...
Phone the RSPB and ask their advice.
Separate names with a comma.