Second earthing up done. They're really coming along now the days are warmer. And no damage from what I can see over these chilly nights.
My thermometer in the greenhouse tunnel only dropped to 6.5c degrees early this morning, I wonder if the weather is on the up? Saying that the BBC...
Planted out hardened off spinach seedlings. Did them quite close together but hoping for baby leaf crop so should be fine. Would love to get more...
Just pulled in my plant trays overnight and noticed the courgettes are already looking like they want to bud. Facepalm. I sowed them last week of...
I've got two growhouses yet to be put up for the Italian varieties, so hopefully I can get them out in a few weeks. Then the ground bed late May...
Still too cold here to prep the beds :( I'm getting 2 degrees at 6am in the greenhouse. I'm guessing 10 degrees overnight is still needed for...
Lovely warm weather!Had a friend round yesterday for a BBQ, the first in a long long time. For that reason I spent a lot of time in the garden...
Checked on my sprouts after the snow overnight. They seem fine. In the greenhouse and in felt bags so I expect that was enough to keep the frost...
Sowed my cucumbers indoors today. Hope it's not too early. Sowed a few extra to sell. I've nearly been cleaned out of tomato plants now (I sowed...
Spotted my first sprouts in each bag today. They're still in the greenhouse. Might put some fleece over the top if it's going to dip low temps...
Ended up planting salad onions indoors for later transplant. Still debating whether to pot up my tomatoes and simply deal with trolleying them...
Offloaded some tomato plants onto Mum. Sowed Kabocha pumpkin seeds. Lettuce and cabbage still in the greenhouse but dragged in overnight last...
Painted a wooden planter I bought a long time ago and planted my blackcurrant plant out. The blackcurrant was purchased last year and I will admit...
Put my tomatoes outside in the greenhouse, get a bit of real sun! Still checking the weather report but will have to bring them in for probably a...
Yesterday trip to the garden centre and bought myself two hydrangeas which are now in the greenhouse. One of my favourite plants. I've got one...
I may have to bring them in again as the weather is looking a bit chilly coming up... but they are in the greenhouse which is pretty good...
Ordered three grafted JalapeƱo plants from Marshalls. My hope is to get a really nice amount of fruit this year rather than next, hence going for...
Do you have them outside or indoors? I've got plenty coming up now and am a bit concerned about being overrun!
Oh no! That's such a shame considering how long they take to grow! I'm annoyed at myself for forgetting to label mine... one of them is Extra...
All my marigolds have come up in the seedling tray!Day time temperatures in the greenhouse are lovely so I've moved some seedling trays outside...
Separate names with a comma.