I must be fussy as I take off the skins and most of the seeds.
The guy moved from the area after the police left. Such a shame, giving shoppers joy, still he was an easy target.
There is a guy who has been in town playing the Accordion for a few months, the music is really nice & people have a smile on their faces. Today...
It has been raining almost non-stop for the past few days and now I read that Southern Water are thinking about importing water in tankers from...
Heavy showers, then bight sunshine then back to showers.............
Mine is Spring Onions & Radish, whatever I try they just won't grow:yikes:
I cut the Grass at the top of the garden. Looked at the Toms and have decided to not feed or water them anymore now.
Cats are very clean animals & will if they can dig a hole & cover it up. It's impossible to keep a Cat from going into other peoples gardens.
And further, I read that the Chancellor claimed £4,000 heating allowance.
Shame on the Labour MP's who didn't vote, gutless IMO. I didn't vote this time around because all/most are not honest and only in it for...
Cold......It was 23c in my bedroom on Sunday, last night it was 15c. On goes my heating sadly.
Very dark and raining. Roll on Spring:yes:
I started cutting down the Beans to put in the compost bins.
My local Hospice was offering a Will writing service for a donation. I was quite happy to give them a cheque for £100.
It's so dark today, no rain.
I looked out my bedroom window around 7.30, it was p*****g hard so I went back to sleep until 9.30am.
Separate names with a comma.