Centimetres are good for teaching the metric system to young kids. A millimetre is far too small for kids who are still a long way off developing...
News has changed because the world has changed.One such change has had a profound effect on humanity. That is the massive exponential growth of...
Depending on the area you need to cover, the best sprinkler I've found is actually a cheapo spinning one from wilkos. It cost me 2 quid, and give...
Some say no news is good news.They are wrong.I am currently waiting for a piece of news. As yet, I haven't received it. That's not good. Nor...
What about a combination of normal sprinkler system plus something like this.Programmable Digital Water Timer
How? My niece reckons she did it once, but she lives at the other end of town where there's a bit more wildlife and therefore presumably a greater...
We used to have gorgeous vivid green lakes near us. Ever tightening environmental laws gradually turned them clear. When they were green, they...
Doubt it. Not in the pennines. The pennines defy logic. They're full of water despite being high ground.
It could also depend on the suitability of the soil to support grass. What I've noticed is there's a natural cycle about 3 or 4 years long where...
With recent claims by the new US president that even his phones were tapped, Master Ken offers us sound and practical advice about how to detect...
Stanley must be losing their edge (pun only partially intended). Both my Stanley saws have been bang on.
Unlikely. Some might.In nature, some seeds would by chance end up in contact with a suitable exposed patch of soil. Some will get trodden in by...
Only drunk people buy them from vans. Mostly only drunk people buy them from actual takeaways but there are some half decent takeaways that are...
It's basically a set square. Very useful I find when marking a piece of wood to be cut exactly straight. Set the handle on the wood, and the...
I do like donner meat. I know it's disgusting, but no more so than hot dogs for example. They're basically all the bits that even the dog food...
Was that the same one that was caught enlarging the meat by injecting it with extracts from pork, but still selling it as halal lamb?
I'd seed it. Stony soil won't matter as long is it is mostly soil. Seed is cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and despite what advocates of...
That's a fair point. I wonder why there are churches and even villages in the pennines. The weather up there can get pretty horrendous very, very...
Isn't proper donner meat goat?Most donner meat is just random bits of roadkill of course. There's probably bits of rabbit, crow, hedgehog, the...
Well that's me convinced. Someone i don't even know and who doesn't know me chooses to insult me and others that don't necessarily agree with them...
Separate names with a comma.