@lindyco .. The yellow one is either Yellow Rattle . Rhinanthus minor - Wikipedia Or Common Toadflax - Linaria Vulgaris Linaria vulgaris | common...
:yikes: Is that Cuthbert or Cyril in My Shed.? [IMG]
A Bit of Reggae then Regi.? [IMG]
Hi @Tim_777 I don't think it is a Bat plant seedling as their first leaves are much more rounded and a bright green.. Here
Trying to keep it all watered :biggrin: picking Toms carrots Tomatillos Thai long beans peppers chilliest and salad plus preparing ground for...
3 Tier [IMG]
Wow some great photos everybody :yay: just a few days left for entries :yes:
I’ll just Hang Here Shall I.? [IMG]
A Belated Happy Birthday @Sandy Ground and @Retired Hope you both had a good one..! [IMG]
Absolutely superb photos @Fat Controller.. It looks an amazing trip to take the manikins really make such a difference too.! Super pics of a great...
@Sian in Belgium green and purple Tomatillo seeds are available here.. Have a look and if you can’t get the seed over there just let me know and I...
@Sian in Belgium can you buy Sutton’s or Thompson and morgan seeds as both sell the seeds..:thumbsup:
Hi @Sian in Belgium yes my Tomatillos grow very well in the Poly tunnel.. They turn into huge sprawling plants but yield well.. As I say 45lbs...
That’s a shame @redstar, but you have what seems to me a beautiful, more woodland type garden and Achillia like sunny grassy areas in the wild and...
The Cultivars are the way to go in the garden I think @Nikolaos I love the Apple blossom pink here
Hmm not too sure I would want it in my garden but if you can contain the roots and dead head it I don’t see why not.. You can dry the flowerheads...
My very ancient Fork, Spade, Border spade and fork. Followed by secateurs and loppers..
Yes Aquadulce are white bean but I don’t let them get big I like them small and sweet when I pick..Maybe @RoryG you could try growing yours the...
Hi @RoryG in that case up there I would still plant November time and fleece them up if weather is severe.. Otherwise they take about 4 weeks to...
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