We bought in 1978 and still have it but thankfully we have been able to reduce it by cutting right back as far as we can. It does appear in the...
Harvested the last of the pea beans. Thought that I was just picking the ones for the seeds for next year but found so many green ones that we...
Well you are all doing so much better than us. Our onion crop is virtually non existent. Maybe spring onions but even then no. Not sure how we...
An old thread but decided it was the best place. This morning I made some chutney. What to call it? Difficult as it contains many things from the...
Today as part of Heritage Open Days we visited Dawes Twine Works in West Coker, Somerset. We have been here many times and each time we are amazed...
We visited Barrington Court in Somerset today as part of the Heritage Open Days. A beautiful sunny day with hardly any WIND! Fabulous. The 2 house...
On Tuesday we had 2 electricians working all day at replacing some very old wiring from the cottage to the garage. Brilliant workers. Today we had...
Out of the hundreds of flowers on our kiwis we managed to harvest 12 fruits! We had one today and it was brilliant. Lovely taste and texture.
Again this morning we had a little egret fly over the garden. The other evening we had 8 flying over. Not used to seeing them here but they are...
Our dahlias given to us many years ago by our younger son who suddenly died last year are in full flower. No idea the variety but we leave them in...
Sorry but this is many years ago but...we had a pole in our garden when we moved in. We didn't do anything about it because at the time it wasn't...
@Golarne I hadn't noticed it was just England so I did a search and came up with Open Doors | Cadw (gov.wales) Maybe there will be something there...
Brought the trail camera card in yesterday which had been set up to show the boxes that the hedgehogs were in. NOTHING!!!! Can't understand how...
Our Solanum melongena germinated really well. The plants were transplanted out into our new tunnel. Growth has been brilliant with many multiple...
We have 3 Paulownias in our garden. One we cut right back each March and then allow 5 new growths. It grows about 15 feet in just 4 months and the...
Never knew that there were so many different sawflies. Over the years the gooseberry one takes all the leaves but we do manage to get some...
As part of the Heritage Open Days we visited Lytes Cary in Somerset. Very windy but the rain held off. They are doing a lot of work to renovate...
Forgot all about it but something went "click". National Heritage days this week. You can look at your own county and decide if there is something...
We do love our bamboos BUT we know that they will take whatever to move...and they do. Forget about clumping or runners, bamboos will do want they...
Today we went to see a fabulous art gallery from a great friend and ex colleague. Magnificent. Then went onto a local exhibits of art. Totally...
Separate names with a comma.