@CarolineL Good luck with your orchids. Ours have died back and we keep thinking that we will divide some of them and plant them in the ground,...
Just back from collecting 2 more hedgehogs from the RSPCA. The 2 we had last year we did catch on the trail camera a couple of times and they do...
@CatDouch haven't seen a greenfinch in donkey years. Saw my first comma butterfly this morning on the agapanthus flowers. Beautiful colour.
Picked an assortment of dwarf french beans and some kale. A few strawberries but the figs aren't ripening up. Hopefully they will as there are...
Stunning @strongylodon Can't match those. Loads of dragonflies around the garden today. Working in the workshop this morning we kept hearing this...
and no sign of bindweed! Lovely plants @Plantminded
Handed in our very short list of entries for the village produce show on Saturday. Tried very hard to add more entries but not good. All the...
No photo but the bindweed flowers are in ABUNDANCE here and if you didn't know that there was a shrub underneath......
One lonely long tail near the feeders today but more heard in the garden. A great viewing of house martins and swallows over the house last night....
as @pete says our magnolia is in second flowering and already showing flower buds for next year.
Having been able to bring some fabulous sweet pea flowers indoors with their amazing scent we have had to stop as the great greenfly has descended...
So many seeds in the black grapes so deseeded some and had them at lunch. Lovely and sweet. Put some in the freezer and then have started some...
Don't do potatoes any more but our carrots are left in the ground and harvested when we need them. The onions are pulled when their leaves die...
@burnie we used to grow pink firs but have done badly the last few years. A lovely potato. Picked some more figs (doing so much better this year)...
Our son won up the Tumbles many years ago and it was so exciting when we could hear the broadcast about him going off the front. Roads were closed...
Picked 2 corn on the cobs. Looked a good size but once the outside leaves were removed one was ok but the other hadn't developed properly....
Bottled 14 bottles of elderflower wine. Tastes great. Not sure whether we will get any berries this year as the pigeons love them too much.
Yet another pest to worry about. Our plants look ok and hopefully they are.
Picked 10 figs before the blackbirds got at them this morning. Wonderfully ripe. Gathered some fallen apples being careful to leave those that...
Interesting as our elder son is a cyclist and while on a training ride through a town they were stopped by the police as they were breaking the...
Separate names with a comma.