It has been introduced to the roots when the plants have been repotted. We did though put some on the top of the bark in some plants and hoped...
We have used it with some orchids that were not doing so well and now are and also some of the carnivorous plants that were struggling at some point.
Hops aren't evergreen. Once they get going they can take over. Clematis armandi is evergreen with fragrant flowers and can be pruned back to how...
No don't fancy that at all.
@ricky101 I think he is Mark Turner for Elite Orchids. We now use orchid compost from nurseries but when we aren't nearby then we have to use...
@pete so many people have told me to peel them under water but how can you cut the tops and bottoms in a bow/bucket full of water? Have done them...
Having to stop peeling the shallots as tears are streaming down my face. I have my glasses on and usually that helps, but not today. I've only...
Too many all at once. Maybe number them and then people will respond to those but not all at once. Divide your photos for ID
@strongylodon Again amazing photos of our native orchids. So good to see so many. Thank you.
@Leafylearner it is very welcoming and full of very kind people who can offer all sorts of advice and help and support. We all started at the...
We were very late in sowing tomato seeds as we were having a new eco tunnel built. However we do have fruit but all still very green. I have...
Dicksonia antarctica [ATTACH]
Paulownia tomentosa [ATTACH]
Not an actual flower but the leaves of the Chinese yam are so beautiful as the vine climbs up and into our very old bramley apple tree. [ATTACH]
Single dahlia [ATTACH] One of the many hypericums growing in our garden. [ATTACH]
@LunarSea Beautiful. This little bee on the Onopordum acanthium [ATTACH] [ATTACH] It would keep buzzing around so photo not brilliant.
Separate names with a comma.