First frost -2 last night so the dahlias have been hit. I leave them and gradually the stalks dry out and the birds perch on them. Come the spring...
Don't know but why not give it a go with some of them.
@Logan so do I. After so many months and now....into waiting area for hopefully not too many hours tomorrow. All because I went and delivered some...
At the surgery this afternoon as one of the dog bites back in April has decided it is going to start bleeding and wont stop. Nothing doing there...
We have been watching The Private Lives of Plants a David Attenborough series from back in 1995 on BBC iPlayer. So long back but fascinating...
As I have mentioned before in another thread we haven't dug up our dahlias for about 5 years now. We haven't mulched them either. Each year the...
My 53 year old teddy bear was given a clean up this morning using dry shampoo. Made the "fur" stand up and look a lot better. His bow tie is...
Our chillies in the tunnel have done really badly this year. Never managed to keep any going so @Escarpment really well done.
Cleared yet another path that the plants insist on growing over. Many ferns and I did try to dig them up to plant them elsewhere but only managed...
@Logan silly question but why are you making so many mince pies so early...well to us it is early.
Weeded the area around paving bricks and slabs. Removed all the dead sweet peas and their supports. Now need to plant something in the 3 pots.
@Plantminded we pollarded down to the knuckles if that makes sense. We didn't wont to go back to straight cuts as we love to see the different...
Pollarded the Catalpa bignoniodes "Aurea" as reaching for the heavens. No flowers next year but the golden leaves are what we grow it for....
Having lunch in the sunny (yes the sun did come out) garden room, noticed some field fares in the orchard on the apple trees. We had collected...
Worked on the neglected herb garden this morning. Amazing the plants that you want to grow don't and those that you don't do! Cut back the...
The peonies...tree ones or herbaceous? We have both and leave them and they keep doing their best each year. We don't dig up plants and try to...
@Goldenlily26 only some orchids would survive in that situation. Many Cymbidiums would do Ok but could restrict flower growth if too cold for too...
Isn't the advice when in a new garden to let plants grow for the whole year so that you can see what is there and whether you want those plants to...
Delighted to see a coal tit on the feeder this morning. First time for some years. Female blackbird was having a bath in our pond near to where I...
Grey day again but did some weeding near the bog garden with the insectivorous plants. Just wish that "Mind Your Own Business" would do that and...
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