Interesting as others on different threads have said that woodlice don't...they come in once the slugs/snails attack the fruit and then they come...
Going out through the garden room to pick some kale for tonight heard the twittering. Looked up into the ash trees near our house and hundreds if...
@Selleri we have in our garden room 2 Hoyas. The room is not heated and they do well. They are evergreen and flower with a lovely fragrance. The...
Sorted out some more apples in store and again swept up more fallen leaves from the path just before the postie arrived. Yes we did get some post...
@Ante1 I see you have harvested some medlars. What do you do with them?
@CatDouch I think it is a carrion crow. Yesterday we saw the first signs of starlings getting together. They line up on the electricity wires...
Pollarding more willows on the edge of the orchard.
@Logan well last year we had a £1000 dentist bill for a cracked tooth....NO NHS after being being with one and the family for over 30 years.
@CanadianLori Fantastic! Over 40 years ago we recaned the chairs which we use in our kitchen around the table for all meals. So much history and...
Yet more leaves collected for the compost. Our elder son gave us some artisan bird nesting boxes. Lovely design but not sure how long they will...
@RowlandsCastle you and others wont believe me but many decades ago a member of the village garden club gave us some white Japanese anemones (no...
Thank you @CarolineL I am hopeless at taking cuttings of anything but as I said each year his dahlias grow more and more and flower for longer. If...
@CarolineL Lovely colour for the Vanda as its name says.
Harvested some of the spartan and Worchester permain apples. There are plenty of fallen apples but the magpies and blackbirds insist on taking...
Our dahlias were a gift from our younger son who died last year. We have had them now for 5 years and never lifted them. Each year the first...
Our village garden club keep the tubs and baskets at the village hall in summer foliage and then spring bulbs. Today a few of us emptied the...
Wow @CanadianLori That is so organised. Amazing. We don't have enough seeds to do what you do but again amazing on what you do.
Interestingly this came up on R4 gardeners question time today. I do collect seeds from veg and flowering plants. I do not put them @pete says in...
Cut back the elder which we do every 3 or 4 years. Amazing how quickly it grows back. Then into the kitchen and made some sweet potato, aubergine...
Nothing as exciting as others! Finished cleaning the inside of the glass roof of the laundry/shower room. Easier said than done....but done....
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