Love your hellebores, Geoff! I struggle with them and manage to keep them for a year or two, but no longer. Those crocuses are the only...
One of the reasons I asked the question was related to black spot.Some of my roses still have their leaves and some have black spot...
Just out of curiosity - when do you prune your roses? Are you an autumn pruner or do you prune later? I do mine in February, but others near me...
Me too - brilliant isn't it!
A digi camera of 5.0 mega pixels is certainly good enough for photos that are sent to websites because only low resolution jpegs are sent....
That is really striking! Excellent colours and the lines of the grass stems are just perfect.
BrianJ -- Please don't spray. All you are doing is wasting money and soaking your plant and soil with poison.Nothing is eating your roses....
Snowdrop Ballet. This is one for those of you who don't like frogs, slugs and other slimey things :D[img]
I do like the cottage, Rosa. You have kept it fresh and clean. So easy to overdo watercolours and finish up with a muddy mess. Well done [img]
Yes and it is a wood pigeon not the ordinary feral sort! The birds will come in their own time. We have had a record year for berries on trees...
With apologies to Platty...[img]
Looking good! I like the curved bed on the left and the graveled one on the right. It looks bright and many plants will do well. Looking...
Always a good idea to wait and see what you have inherited from previous owners. Then you might want to look at some ideas for garden designs...
That borage picture is so beautiful! One of my favourite herbs and I let it self sow in the front garden where it likwes the gravel paths.
Thanks for the bull, WF. That bull sure was lively and must have jumped right into your camera![img]
Lady of Leisure make-over (posted with permission)[img]
Sad about sparrows - they are in serious decline. Sometimes people think they see sparrows but they are really dunnocks.
The figures are pretty meaningless and I've experienced other websites that have chased numbers and come to grief by losing their aim and focus....
Why? - it looks fine even if my slug has been chewing some of the leaves
Separate names with a comma.