Should have known the majority of you were Pro-Tory. Shame.Suppose the last 9 years have been brilliant for you all then?[ATTACH]
Thank you both!
Peachy pink digitalis [ATTACH]A very dry salvia amistad[ATTACH]Verbascum.. forgot what though, sorry[ATTACH]3 different lupins was...
Been naughty and bought a load on impulse :biggrin:Had to buy this.. I love the leaves! Cercis canadensis forest pansy [ATTACH]Treated myself...
Don't have experience with a greenhouse but I have the use of a polytunnel on my allotment site, 2 years ago I had some really good beginners...
No, not too late.She's in the wrong for posting that on fb and not talking to you about it first.
Oh it's definetley not happy, it's been stuck in that pot since Oct last year and even then it was an unhappy reduced saddo at wyevale..I didn't...
Thank you very much both :) Will post better pic of 3 if it helps @Silver surfer ?
Moved house and brought a few "forgottens" with me. (Don't judge the state on them, I know I need to get them in lol)1. I posted this before,...
3rds for a solar panel, inverter, leisure battery and pump set up, I have one at the allotment, even have sockets and a travel kettle running off...
Rest of my girls been had by a fox on 28th May.. gutted, they were finally starting to come around and follow me since we moved :(Cruella and...
Bit off topic but went into "wyevale" yesterday, it's now become dobbies! Signed up for the £10 per year membership.. bit of info for you if you...
If I get a chance in the next week or so, I'll will try and remember to dig up some of the others before I move.. I'll grow it on and see...I'll...
Wow, can't believe it's in flower! Can't remember the variety of the white sorry but it is not the "the pearl".Did the red and pink not take...
Thanks all for your kind words.. it's been a hellish month..My other ex batt chicken, Pikachu, passed away a week after. Not sure if it was the...
Can't quite believe it, not one but two of my beloved pets have passed this week.I've cried and cried over the loss of my lovely ginger boi,...
Can't find the rainbow pets thread, so sorry for bringing the tone down. Delete or move if needs be.Have had the crappiest of weeks, buried 2...
Not to derail the thread but just to reply.. I have heard premier seeds been mentioned a lot and they are highly recommended but still yet to try...
Separate names with a comma.