yes i think i seen the globemaster ones in homebase at the weekend. I think it was one bulb for about £4-£5 yet the different ones in the...
Ive put mini daffs in hanging baskets before, under the pansies and used normal daffs and crocus in the tubs, again under pansies etc .... colour...
ahhh was thinking about you today and the alliums, Aaron. Popped into the poundshop in town and they have stacks of bulbs in (obviously all for a...
I had one of these myself last week Clueless .... although they wouldnt even tell me what company it was until i confirmed my name, full address...
Same problem here with most of my tubs/baskets .... thinking its rained so much I wouldnt need to water ...... hmmmm must remember next year !
"The teenager was sentenced to three years for the firearms offences and a total of 16 months for the other offences, to be served consecutively"...
Have just read your post .... its nice to hear she is doing better today than yesterday :) Fingers crossed she gets better soon ! Am sure she...
Am at work today - but just had a text from daughter to say police called her ..... they arent even going to bother coming out to look at the car...
Having a filling is nothing unusual - paying upfront is a little strange though. I dont think its the divide between private and NHS though. I...
Just back from the funeral ....... we have found the car. Our daughter found it herself on so we legged it up there as soon as we got back...
I think thats what makes it worse (if it can get any worse!) is knowing we both work hard for everything we have (no rich relatives here that just...
Your both right, a car in the wrong hands is leathal! hence why i dont drive because i know i would not make a good driver - far too easily...
EXACTLY ...... she looses out on just about everything while whoever stole it, is having a whale of a time, not giving two sh*ts to the...
Thanks everyone - am just back from work. I am glad its not just me then that thinks its disgusting - not only to have been stolen but to either...
You might have noticed I havent been round much the last few weeks. Well firstly out car blew up :( .... on the motorway!! Luckily we were all...
Hmmm my dicentra is just starting to flower again !
I think its very true that you get good and bad cars in every make and model! My sister has an Audi A6 ... lovely looking car, very comfortable...
We have just brought an MG and are delighted with it :) The later models .... a lot of them have BMW engine's so much better quality than the...
Pyometra .... thanks Kandy. Couldnt remember for the life of me what it was called last night! I still dont know anyone who has had a dog that...
Your welcome :) Doesn't mean I am right though lol .... just that i could never forgive myself if anything happened to either of my girls so why...
Separate names with a comma.