Florentina. Very difficult to catch the deep red colour: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
It's hot today, staying in the shade with my Tiger [ATTACH]
Forgot to add. Luma apiculata, both plain and variegated leaf are doing well.
Had 3 cold spells over the winter. It was down to -5c, one cold week per month. Everything froze solid. Lost my fragrant geraniums. Callas seemed...
Out neighbours' oleander survived this winter. I have leptospermum scoparium and myrtle microphylla, those went ok through this winter too.
I came across one pic today too: [ATTACH]
I would take everything out of the pot, untangle roots ans plant pups with their own roots. For older stems that don't look nice you can always...
Apart from watering prickled seedlings and other plants... Halloween decorations :biggrin:. It's when you want some red currants for yourself....
I think it depends on the variety. Many old roses will have so heavy flowers, that they'll look down from the weight.
Chlorophytum (spider plant) may work, especially compact varieties. They flower occasionally too and form small new plants.
I would keep coltsfoot. I'm nostalgic about these since my childhood, first spring yellow flowers. Always used to bring some in to put into the...
My Summer Song rose [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
They are, but, maybe going to an end? Or maybe, it's something else, if flowers are of a bigger size than bird cherry.
Looks like bird cherry to me
Late yesterday divided my cosmos seedlings. Sooo many, had to get 4-5 into each pot. [ATTACH]
I'm growing houseplants at hobby level. I used to have many african violets and streptocarpi. Now I'm hooked on hoyas. I don't think I use even...
Maybe get a few from shops. Even with growing own I still bought one in Morrisons. They had a few varieties on offer.
I would definitely want 100% peat based compost back. I would mix it with perlite, vermiculite, clay pebbles, charcoal, bark etc. depending on...
Separate names with a comma.