Look at me with my name change! :PAnyway, if you upload a pic or two to a photo site such as Flikr or similar you can link to it here for...
Hi SandraGot any pics of the tree in question at all? Normally tree decline happens due to a number of factors that overwhelm the tree's system....
Hi deets,Aye, pop some pics up if you can - it would help us see how the tree is developing. Cheers.
Hi sunlight,First and foremost well done for you doing your research about trees instead of simply bunging anything in the ground and it...
Hi Mondo,Moving trees is best done in the autumn, when the tree isn't fully invested in the transportation of water and nutrients around its...
Hi lb7110Some wood decaying organisms/diseases can spread from tree to tree by soil, water, wind or insect transport. Whether the other trees...
Hi jude2Silver birches can live, on average, about 70 - 90 years or so, although occasionally you can find older. If you take a look at this...
Mexican bean tree? :scratch: Are you sure?:skp:Now then, do you mean Indian bean tree (Catalpa bignonioides) which has large light green/yellow,...
Hi dave.waltersFirstly, as previously mentioned if you kill your neighbours tree you'll be liable to prosecution. You are allowed to cut back...
Hi Matt40,As Alice suggested removing all the flowers will prevent them from producing berries, but a more permanent solution would be to fell...
Hi alexmiles,I've had brilliant results from a product called Verdone. It may take 2 or 3 applications to remove the weeds of a heavily infested...
Hi YewOwner,I'd agree with Marley Farley that it is probably Laetiporus sulphureus, but without up-close identification I'm not 100% sure.The...
Hi robgil,There's plenty everyone should know about to trees but very few care to bother. As long as your trees are well fed, well watered, have...
Scale insect indeed. Mainly an aesthetic problem rather than anything else, although I suppose tree growth can be retarded if the insects much the...
Hi barneyb,New shoots at the base of trees is called epicormic growth and is usually a response to anopther part of the tree being damaged or...
You should try climbing in the stuff!! :skp:
Hi Nicky,Unfortunately fireblight (bacterium: Erwinia amylovora) is a nasty disease that can kill flowers, leaves, twigs, stems and even the...
Firstly we need to establish what your screening problem is to see whether a sumach is ther suitable option. Sumacs lose their leaves in winter,...
Hi Victoria PlumThe short answer is "yes, but with added complications."Let me explain: The tip of the main leader of a tree houses a special...
Hi newyorkgirl,What is your reason for killing them off and how big are the trees you're on about? There are a number of ways to kill a tree;...
Separate names with a comma.