Hi littleorme,If you're able just to post a few pictures of the leaves in question then that would help a great deal. Brown leaves on trees can...
Hi PinkFingerIt's so good to actually come across someone who actively seeks out advice on choosing the correct tree for their garden first,...
Nice work, cumberland. They will make important habitats for a variety of micro and macro flora and fauna.
Hi jim and vicki,Lime trees can be big, beautiful trees if given the time and chance to grow and I'm glad that you seem pretty keen with them. I...
Hi,If the canker hadn't got into the cambium then the next course of treatment would've been to cut around the affected tissue to stop it...
Hi nickp,Looks like a case of bleeding canker caused by Phytophthora icilis. Normally cankers in holly only affect branches which can be removed...
Blimey! What did he do? Have five hours for lunch!? :lollol:Ahem. Glad to see you had a professional in instead of some old gypo. Nice one....
As aphids breathe through their skin, a spray of soapy water (i.e. washing up liquid) can block their pores and cause the little green blighters...
Hi littleormeThe Katsura tree will attain a maximum height of about 12m but grows quite slowly. Obviously this is based on the tree being in...
Hi caskin,Any chance of a few photos of the tree in question, including closeups of the leaves, bark and any fruits? It sounds to me like a...
Hi ArchdoodlerFirstly I commend your attitude to saving this tree, but you have to understand that if it is at the end of it's days then there's...
Hi mossymI think your self-diagnosis is correct and your maple is suffering from wind/sun scorch. There is some good info here on caring for and...
Hi H,The dreaded leylandii roots strike again. Normally leylandii roots tend to spread rather than have a tap root that goes straight down....
Hi epa611,The problem with subsidence happens when trees absorb water from the soil, causing it to shrink. This is only a real problem on clay...
Hi deepmill,In short; it can do.Some major bad points about ivy on trees:Takes important water and nutrients from the rhizosphere around...
Hi Small flower,As plant1star said it's a Eucalyptus. I'd also advise you to consider carefully about planting one in your front garden. they...
Hi Scotty,I'd shy away from conifers if I were you - you have the intention of keeping it trimmed but believe me, they soon run amok. Also, the...
Surely the A/S/L info is available on everyone's profile if you care to look it up, no? Just wondering.Anyway, 30/M/Cardiff
Hi olye,Trees are fascinating organisms that are continually self-optimising in order to satisfy their conditions for growth, especially light...
Hi mztrouble,1. As previously mentioned you are entitled to cut back any branches that are encroaching on your property - so you can cut them...
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