The planted up pig trough is looking better now things have grown a bit. [ATTACH]Lotty looking fuller [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Think I need to do some "Chelsea chopping" The garden has gone MENTAL!Shame the iris sibericas have all finished-they dont seem to last long....
[ATTACH] Visited my Grandma yesterday and her garden is looking lovey-especially the poppies.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thanks @luciusmaximus It's hard-I miss her so much and still cry every day, but I guess it's just because I loved her so much. Got cheeky little...
ha ha, it's a lovely big pot-I got 2 of them on offer a couple of years ago. They are very difficult to move though!
A few more pretties from the Lincoln bungalow this evening[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
A few pretties. Rose in pot is looking good but needs moving as is far too hot there-despite watering 4 times a day.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
@Perki Yes-the geum is totally tangerine. it's been flowers for a long time already and shows no sign of stopping but have annoyingly flopped...
Hmm, I think I should definitely move them out the greenhouse for now then.
They're looking really good @pete. Where do you keep them in the summer. mine see in the greenhouse but I think it's too hot for them.
Ooh I forgot about tiger balm...I've got some, it might help with my cold!@Aldo that was my old girl dotty who passed away in April. She loved...
@Aldo my dogs loved digging where id put blood fish and bonemeal...had to stop using it in the end lol-never found out a way of stopping them....
Id say no2 is grape hyacinth.Can you remember what bulbs have flowered so its a case of matching name to picture?Probably would be easier just...
Feeling a bit better so wandered to lotty and planted out a couple of tom plants, swedes and sown some more spring onions. Also used netting to...
Thanks-feeling slightly better this morning but dont want to jinx it.You've just reminded me lori-I've got to sort out my greenhouse watering...
Wow! I like that! That's the height I hope mine gets to. I bet it smells fantastic when the flowers are out!
I'm still feeling rubbish-even worse than yesterday! Dave is now ill and we both ended up going back to bed this afternoon as we felt so rotten....
ooh that's good to know Suze, as I want it to grow really big there! :) How long did it take for yours to reach that height?
Just an update on the reduced mock orange ....[ATTACH] [ATTACH]Was worth the £9.60!
Separate names with a comma.