one of my favourites of all time has to be Pittosporum "Tom thumb" its just such a smashing plant :thumbsup:[ATTACH]
weathers been quite nice last week or so, you know, the random nice moments between the showers, strong winds...and...and the hail :doh:
great pic Kandy! you just know she's quietly thinking to herself "now that's a real tomcat! :wub2: hot damn, i'd have his kittens!" she may even...
i watched Interstellar and Martian last week, cant say i enjoyed either of them tbh :yawn: space movies are really not my cup of tea at all though...
welcome back to the fold coucou :pathd:and........OMG hamsters!:hate-shocked:i loooove them so :wub2: we have seven furry wurry little hamsty...
well, the weather wasn't nearly as nice today as yesterday[ATTACH]
glorious day! sunny and oh so mild and not a drop of rain nor even a grey cloud! just glorious! :autlvs:
happy belated birthday Joolz :) [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] need i say more [ATTACH]
you actually cry (with proper tears) because your favourite trowel broke :cry3:true story :heehee:
[ATTACH]a filthy mind is a terrible thing to waste :pathd:
a dogs nose print is as unique as human fingerprints and can be used to identify them :doggieshmooze:
i mossed admit im lichen this very much :thumbsup:
[ATTACH] how very apt lol :snorky:
today i am grateful electric blanket! nothing better than being toasty warm on a cold night like this [ATTACH]
Oi! you lot leave my Monty alone!!! [ATTACH][ATTACH] i'll be watching you all [ATTACH]
yep, we've a small garden and have a contorted hazel which gets pruned about three times a year to keep it in the shape we want it :thumbsup: it...
well i peeped out the window at the general miserable soggy coldness that lurks out there, thats about it im afraid :noidea:im not stepping foot...
thank you all :ThankYou: wonderful to be back here to annoy you all again....i mean chat with you all :th scifD36: no, no i didn't i meant annoy...
ah i wouldn't mind the cackling, sure i've been known to myself occasionally, like when i get a particularly good recipe for the old cauldron...
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