Paula. Where the hell you been? Accidents, bereavement and illness are only a little excuse. (Trust me I see loads of it. It's upsetting but life...
Sorry I just re-read this. I take it now that you mean after rooting? Just use a general compost once they have rooted.
No strict mixture Amateural. Just well draining so I put in plenty of sharp sand. Keep them humid so put them in a plastic bag for a while. You...
I don't like spiders either. But I do love getting my hands dirty after years of having them sterile. I'm slowly losing my dislike of spiders and...
Got it LoL.
Hi Greenhouse welcome to GC. Don't forget that when you ask a question here you will get, on average, 6 different answers. You have to choose.:D
Hi Alex. Welcome to GC.
Yes you may just get away with it in the south-west but here on the Yorkshire coast, although we are milder in winter than inland, I once tried...
Hi Loo. Welcome back to GC. Whis4ey is really the man for acers so if he doesn't pick this up try PMing him.
I intend to live forever or die in the attempt Sam.:D
I overwinter mine the same way as you Gaz. Actually I use just a ball of hay or straw. And I also use chicken pellets but a friend of mine uses...
Kathy, Catt said to remove side shoots from toms. If they are the more common vine toms that is right. But if you happen to be growing bush toms...
OK.Try this:I once had a pet anacondaI once had a pet rock pythonI once had a pet blood python
They should straighten Dee now you have let them 'see the light'. Have you fed it after its long winter sleep?
Agree Sawfish. Last year started brilliantly and went downhill at a rate of knots. Let's hope we get the warmth when we need it this year and not...
Same on this side Walnut Cloudy and grey but warm. I think I'll go to the car boot this a.m. and see if anyone is selling plants.
Thanks Walnut. I may take you up on that one day but you know me, I hate being beaten by a bunch of seeds. [img]
Wilko's never water their in-store plants, just for the record.
Can I just say (again). Why don't people actually post the area they are in. Not getting at you PinkFinger but loads of people don't understand...
In a falling market? (We're back on economics). I wouldn't sell at the moment I'll wait for the next bull. (I only pretend to be stupid actually...
Separate names with a comma.