The porch faces North and West and gets good light from the glazing but never sun. It's unheated so will probably be very cold in the winter....
One more thing that can cause markings on the laundry is overloading. If the cycle is too gentle for the load, the garments don't move enough but...
Love it! I wonder if anyone in high places could entice anyone in other high places to declare November 6th as official "Recrudescence Day" ? It...
The regime in this household is leaving the drawer and the door ajar after every wash, scrubbing the drawer and the cavity it slides into, plus...
Indeed, all are tiny or roots or plugs so will go into pots in the cold greenhouse until spring or later. I prefer buying my plants small and...
Went wild on JParkers wholesale side. I prefer to have more of one plant than just one of each so the concept of getting five each fits well- and...
Two things may (or, are likely to) happen.If the greenhouse is small (say, human height or lower and forearm deep), it will blow down in the...
Hi @Sue15 , like Busy- Lizzie said, the roses should do just fine in pots. Get the biggest pots you can so that they don't blow over or dry/...
Full day of hard labour :)Dug up the grass and weeds from front of back paving area between the greenhouse and the shed. The soil is lovely and...
Dug up another coffin size plot of turf and weeds. Some of the weed roots would make carrot show farmers proud, they just go down and down until...
A juggle! 1/5 of our household devices with a clock are smart and guide us to the new time. The other 4/5ths need a manual intervention, which is...
Exploring the new neighbourhood and enjoying some glorious weather :)We took a short bust ride to Morpeth, a charming market town with an...
Thanks all!The rubble bits are about the size of olives and the areas I want to sort out have around 80% of it. In some parts there is...
The weather is improving so I thought I'll make a start but wanted first to ask for your kind advise. :SUNsmile:I have metal mesh sheets. I have...
It was a lovely day yesterday :) We visited nearby nature reserve and walked around for a couple of hours in hazy autumn sunshine. [ATTACH]Then...
We made a detour yesterday to check on this Passiflora- growing gracefully through a fence, mingling with conifers in North Tyneside.Rather...
Breezing cold. Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold. Hot.The weather just now is challenging sensible clothing, you leave the house for a walk and shiver in...
Digging. :)The grass and assorted gigantic weeds are coming out bit by bit, leaving behind lovely black soil, ready to welcome new weeds....
I recently succumbed to a Poundland Aloe drink as I was parched and had to wait 20 mins for the bus on a hot day. The drink was cheaper than...
Thanks very much all, very helpful! :)
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