Out of half a million Medical staff, a few dozen performing fun to keep sane is not even a drop in the Ocean
At the very begining of this, when it was a three week lock down, I posted on here it was to be at least six months, and was laughed at I based...
I think Lori was refering to the Microwave Oven itself :-) not a microwave lol
I supppose it is mainly lifestyle I am an oldie ex-shielding, I would quite happily take my own precautions, and let the rest of the people get...
FIFE Scotland All surgeries, chemists and health centres are not providing Flu Jags this year Everyone has to dial the one number and request a...
Not covid-19 really but related I am vunerable and have been shielding I have tried and tried to get the Flu Vaccine jag People I know who are not...
If you have blight on the plant is it still OK to eat the fruit, most of the fruit is perfect some have a light blemish on the skin ?
Kings Park school Dundee, been back together for one week and it has now closed again as 21 (twenty-one) staff now have Covid ?
A good few problem questions hereEngland now has 1m social distancing, in Scotland we are still at 2mSo I jump on a full train at Newcastle...
Scotland Shielding persons must now stay in lockdown until 31st July :-(
One policeman murders a person Then 50k covidiots murder me by not staying home and keeping their distance I guarantee that there will be hundreds...
@Victoria Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UKcharts published data UK
I am Shielding, I got a HMG letter today saying if my prognosis is death within six months then it is up to me if I want to follow lock down rules...
Will test and trace work, if lots of folk do not have a SMART phone, therefore contacts would not be known ?If I have been in total isolation,...
If everyone worked for the NHS, Supermarkets, Transport, cleaners, key workers and care homesThen their would be no Lock down :-)As it is, it...
It would provide a bit more confidence if Boris made an appearance once in a while during the weekAs for schools opening, and safety of the...
What a farce My Son in law, on Furlough has so far had four weeks holiday on full pay whilst he landscapes his own garden, Also he is £340 a...
Thank you all it was a weird one as I am on 12 week ShieldingAt different times both my Daughters their hubby's and my Grandchildren came along...
Please please use Captain Tom's name and not Ted
@KFF Just reading the information given to us Why suspend the MOT for 12 weeks Why a mortgage holiday Why a credit card amnesty First minister...
Separate names with a comma.