Very bizarre, thanks anyway.
Never, I'm a free man and I've watched too much scifi!
So known facts and unknown magic are identical? Sounds very odd to me.I think this may be just a semantics thing.So when we figure that out...
That's all well and good but one person's magick might be another person's scientific fact, it's all perspective I guess.
Happy to help. Stay lucky. :)
I think it's just that we can't explain them yet.
It's rubbish, as with any ghost story.We are energy condensed to mass, when we die there is nothing and on goes the carbon cycle on this Pale...
Just realised you mean't not Microsoft Outlook program.Double click the email you want to print, click the three dots next to...
Don't forget to water the seeds! Much quicker germination if you do.
Double click the email you want to print, press Ctrl + P, print and Robert's your Father's brother.
Any thoughts?[ATTACH]I'm not sure we have any expert fruitists on here? I've gone for trees that are in the same pollination group as my...
Potato and Leek soup tonight.[IMG]Yes I know it's early but I'm not waiting til next year to start eating them!
Mile a minute out, jasmine in... [IMG]Transplanted a Rosemary and planted a Gooseberry... [IMG]Gardener in the making... [IMG]
As you can see, my lawn is in terrible shape! It's only going to get worse once I dig three big holes in it for the fruit trees.
Ta!Edged a bit of lawn, before:[IMG][IMG]and after: [IMG][IMG]FRUIT TREES GETTING ORDERED THIS WEEK!
P.S. I have a new cameraphone!:yay::hapfeet::hapydancsmil::yahoo: :yay:
It's well in front of the garage I'd say. I had a spider a few weeks ago that spun a web across the whole garden, roughly 12 feet across. It is...
I'm still confused why we're seeing so much of it. How does this effect the UK?
That's a good one, very substantial looking. I wish I got to see more out and about. Is Autumn/Winter the time for it?
Separate names with a comma.