top one looks like cosmos seeds
Hard frost this morning didn't plan on doing anything but I've been quite busy this afternoon. Decided to cut back the ivy on the GH before it...
Hi Sain nice to see you again sorry to hear about your mum . Looks like you've got a lot on your hands there , projects like these tend to give...
Its a lovely photo Hydrogardener as usual .@shiney Is it possible to have the photo competition winner on the main home/forum screen again like...
I've been tidying mum garden today just cutting back and planting some bulbs.Back home sweeping the GH floor / general tidy round inside before...
I am up north so can't really say for when best time for seeding but here the earliest I'd entertain seeding is March into April.It sound more...
Nice interesting plant I fancied one a while back , didn't think it would survive here unfortunately I were under the impression they wouldn't...
Bulb planting today started at 2pm and got 90% of all these in by 4pm still got some allium - muscari and 3 hyacinth to plant. [ATTACH]Might...
Money wold be one for most people and health , fortunately I still have my health but the money seem to go as fast as I can get it :th scifD36:...
The winter bulb sales got me :doh: did so well until I looked at gee tee website , they had some nice daffodils on sale which I've not grown...
All looking well still Plantminded even the dicksonia looks unaffected :blue thumb:. My own garden looking rather bare
Done a bit today . Emptied the last of the pots and chucked it on the shredding pile . Planted my first lot of bulbs only about 70 tulips in some...
It hasn't really been bad here at all just a normal slightly windy autumn day, very miserable and dull though.
Haven't bothered for years no tree nothing I've got better things to do . It just goes on to long now even from October by time its Christmas day...
Busy morning into this afternoon today cutting back the numerous perennials I had a slight thought cross mine mind that I've got to many...
0'C today but nice and sunny feel quite pleasant in the sunshine . Might have a bit more snow tomorrow. Typically the boiler broke down last...
Packed the dahlias away in the wooden boxes mulched with dry woodchip and brought in the rest of the tender stuff like the orange leaonrus...
Separate names with a comma.