Thanks. Have a marvellous time @Punkdoc x
Good morning all :coffee1: Hello @PatE :) I hope everyone’s slept well We have another bright and sunny morning but cooler than this time...
@Punkdoc :blue thumb: “…If you’re not a communist at the age of 20, you haven’t got a heart. If you’re still a communist at the age of 30, you...
Probably @Punkdoc … after all doctors used not to need much of an education did they .., just some basic carpentry skills and a jar of leeches …...
Brains are plastic … they continue to develop and change throughout life … there is no optimal stage. Neuroplasticity - WikipediaNot sure where...
It’s not rebellion for rebellion's sake … it’s a normal part of brain development. Rebel with a Cause: Rebellion in Adolescence
Certainly not my experience of uni … nor that of younger relatives … niece and nephew left uni a few years ago and are now busy running a business...
Check for slug damage at the base of the stem.Give the base of the plant 3 litres of water first thing in the morning every other day during...
If it makes you happy (not you personally you understand … just a general non specific ‘you’ )“… and if one has taught one’s children to...
Tosh and Balderdash @Banana ManAnd if you’ve taught your children to question what they’re told and to think critically and analytically and...
In that case oughtn’t they send them to state schools :ideaIPB:
Sunak’s desperately adopting Churchillian rhetoric after having ‘left them on the beaches’ on D Day to go electioneering … despicable.
I agree with @Punkdoc … the flowers look a lot like sisyrinchium … the leaves of which look a bit like gladioli but are prone to turning brown/black.
We caught a greenhouse mouse the other day @Allotment Boy , but none in the house of late … OH feels ok except for the throatiness, but is...
Good morning all :coffee1: It’s 19c and bright with some hazy cloud here in Norfolk. OH feels ok but has ‘a throat’. Hey ho.
It really does depend on who you are and your life experiences doesn’t it … I watched it all and formed the completely opposite view.
If hormones are a problem with voting then perhaps it should be totally restricted to the pre-pubescent and post menopausal women :roflol:The...
Not one of them will come out on top. All three will just gang up together against you.
@RowlandsCastle … first looks like a clematis to me … different types flower at different times.The second pic looks like a lavatera to me.
You didn’t … and I didn’t say you did. But you did say that it isn’t hard to register … all I did was point out that it’s harder for some people...
Separate names with a comma.