Let me reword that. When I look up the species it shows only 4 types. I have 3 of them. Never seen, as the definition online that there are...
in order for him to have to stop paper straws at his level, it must have been started at his level, probably by Biden. He should just give it...
woke up to buffy white fluff all over the trees and shrub. snow is such a quieting experience. love it. Someone said they want to divide the...
For my Airbnb. I have furnished it with 2nd handed items. If you take time to look can find some good stuff people don't want anymore. Like...
WOW. since your prices are very low how do you weed out the rift raft. over here there is a sweet spot of price to get "decent" people, so...
I usually read carefully when I select places to stay. Not planning to ever pack sheets and towels. I pack very light. Paying extra is ok with me.
"Not for profit" basis"??? we make no money on the place just make enough to cover the routine bills of running the place. The cleaner cost is...
yes, planning the stay at places to stay is interesting. @Liriodendron . Most places have beds already made, linens, towels etc. One place we...
Well it is super bowl time again on Sunday. Nutty. a prime seat is $56 Thousand dollars. Nose bleed seats 6 Thousand. People are nuts....
don't know what NEJM is.
Monday, some dusting of snow overnight. the ground hog saw its shadow. Meeting up with someone on Tuesday to sell a book to them. Still...
Chilly day. Anyone use Facebook Market place to sell stuff. We list lots of things, doing decently. So much stuff, really don't need...
That racket has been going on for 50 years or more. it runs deep. Do you know that all medical journals are written by health insurance...
couple times we stay at a hotel where the electric charging machine is offered. So there is the power cord, about as thick as a wrist laid across...
Thanks. I love love Tulsi Gabbard. If you can find it, on You Tube in the presidential debate she squished Harris big time. She was a...
Morning all. its Friday, about 9:30AM here. @Goldenlily26 sorry to hear about your loss. Awesome memories you must have. Perfect way to leave...
Your wrong there. "his ultimate goal is to make all American's lives better." We the people here are very pleased with all he has done so far.
Cheers. Trump is now President.
JOYOUS ---the mandatory Electric Car has ended in USA.
Separate names with a comma.