If all MPs need a crash pad then they should build a purpose built block next to parliament. Maybe in the river. They get very very generous...
They'll just raise taxes in another way. This is the latest in a series of utterly crud governments
20-40cm a year but it's quite variable. I planted another yew hedge a few years ago and it's established nicely and is easy to maintain. I much...
Common yew, taxus baccata. Height varies on conditions but can get massive if left to own devices over centuries :) These will be maintained at...
According to her, this mass building will make house prices come down, renting becomes easier. According to everyone else, that's cobblers,...
Doesn't he over egg the pudding, knowing full well he'll get reigned in? He usually gets a version of what he wants or claims he wants.This...
There's been so many cases where retrial or new evidence or whatever overturns convictions that I'd be against bringing back capital punishment,...
Not for me but replacing some hedging up our lane, I can completely recommend this yew hedging from hopes grove nurseries. Excellent healthy...
A sad yet classic mentality of the country it seems. A small effort by the many could sort most of the mess I reckon
There's rules in other countries that require the owner to keep the frontage to the road clean and clear or face penalties. I can't see why we...
Can't remember the last time I had SoCo and JD tastes like paint stripper!
Would that warning apply to tomatoes as well?
Home Office wasted nearly £100m on plans to house asylum seekers, watchdog findsOuch. A repeat question really, spanning all governments. How do...
I've always viewed stocks and shares as something for retirement rather than looking for a steady return. Always only invest that money you can...
Given the scope of that I'd seriously consider just leaving it. It's smothered the tree for so long that the tree itself may be weakened so who...
The ash pan from my burner gets chucked unceremoniously over the front borders, doesn't seem to hurts anything and the rain washes it in
For my glass I've always used warm water with washing up liquid and a long soft brush then washed off with a hose.
I have one made by Lynx. I got it randomly from eBay as I needed one in a pinch and it's been bulletproof for years. The bad news is that I've...
Weird, I thought you were older :roflol:
https://amzn.eu/d/8UxlRqeAmazon.co.ukEither of those will be fine. If you want more choice do a search on Amazon for 'usb adapter plug uk'
Separate names with a comma.