Have used a waterproof adhesive tape inside pots which have lasted for a couple of years to date - use a tape wide enough to get some adhesion to...
Peter's right, Dahlias are late flowering in the main so there's no need to rush them and if you let the frost rt them they will not survive. Just...
Have no experience to offer although I grow lots of colourful plants in semi-shade areas where the sun gets to fo only the odd hour or two. i feel...
Must be the first 'yes' vote. Live near enough to go to Wisley on a regular basis. Whether or not value for money, confess it is for me as I can...
Definitely upgrading 'Maddahhlia' my children were both born in Leicester, just round the corner from where Mrs Lineker used to...
Hello Armandii - assuming that is Crocosmia 'Lucifer' in your picture, what is the yellow daisy?, unlikely to be Rudbeckia, possibly Helianthus?...
Sounds like you have a bunch of 'suckers' - these tend to grow from the base of the plant and do not bear flowers. Best thing to do is to pull...
Must have artificial roots....................
Best of luck with the move Val - it's good to be near family, far too many of us move away from families for work/other reasons but as we age I...
As a non-veggie gardener, I too will have to give it a miss - may the best veg win it...........
You could always plant a small box hedge surround then a large pot in the middle - if you grass it I think it could be a bit difficult to mow....
Hello Len: There are some attractive 'purple' Hemerocallis and for front of the border you could use Nepeta; Sedums offer attractive bushy...
The idea of leaving it til spring generally relates to the soil temperature. Most advise to move plants when the soil is warming up. For me I'm...
try this one - new local guys first album release and a bit different .Jack Robert Hardman - Conveyor Belt of Love - YouTubeHope this works -...
Not too keen on the 'royals' but I can say from experience that if you have a heart problem the NHS reaction (in this area) is and was in my case...
Champers on ice - just eaten wonderful dinner with my wife and daughter and looking forward to seeing the New Year in - who knows what it may...
Thank you Marley and may you and yours enjoy a Good New Yeear. Just resting up after a long day eating,drinking and walking the dog(s) - my son...
Also like the Camelia suggestion from Dim - most of the others (rhododendron,etc) are potentially slow growing and difficult to shape whereas...
Found a smalbotle offfd= Dabitoffffin te garidge and hadagoodsniff................feelein pritty gooood reely.
'Plus ca change' as they say. Some people thrive on their doom laden philosophies which is a bit sad really. As for Nostradamus et al - their...
Separate names with a comma.